Staff Ethnicity missing in the CES Census

This article provides guidance on resolving errors related to missing staff ethnicity in the CES Census. It outlines steps to ensure that teaching staff have their ethnicity set and that their Teacher Status is properly recorded.

This article can be used to help resolve your CES Census errors around staff ethnicity. For more help, please see our CES Census Guide.

Remember to regenerate your census to see any changes.

Teaching staff's ethnicity is not pulling through

Check they have their ethnicity set:

  1. Go to their staff profile and click on Ethnicity in the Identity section.
  2. In the slide-over select their ethnicity and click Save Changes.

Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 12.23.22.png


Ethnicity is set but they are still not showing

Check they have a Teacher Status:

  1. Go to their staff profile and scroll down to Qualifications & Checks.
  2. Click on Teacher Status and then add the status.

Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 12.23.43.png

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