BI Connector Version 2 Datasets

Below you'll find a list of all the available datasets for Version 2 of our connector, which is sometimes referred to as a Data Dictionary.

A full explanation of how to purchase and install the connector is available here: Arbor’s BI Connector

Want to suggest new datasets we may add in future? Add your feedback here: BI Connector Datasets and Improvements

Notes on specific views 

  • Detentions - This view contains a row for each student who attends a detention. Therefore detention sessions will not appear unless a student attends that detention session.
  • Academic Calendar Dates - Dates range from 1990-2029
  • Internal Exclusions - This includes attendance.
  • Intervention Staff Costs - Only schools who use this will have this data.
  • Assessment Completion - Assessment Completion allows staff to view the completion rate (students with a mark or non submission reason are counted as complete) of an assessment by the group an assessment is assigned to, which includes courses, registration forms, year groups, academic years, teaching groups and custom groups. Only students enrolled in the group on the last day of the period are included.
  • Custom Groups - Please note that there are student, staff and guardian custom groups. We have kept guardian_unique_id is a field in custom groups through it does not link to any other view at present.

Entity Relationship Diagram

Click this link to view an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of how the datasets below can be connected together:  ERD (Version 1.4)


See a full catalogue of Arbor data here: Arbor BI Connector V2 Data Catalogue

Refresh Schedule

The refresh frequency depends on the dataset. Please see the Data Catalogue for a full list of the views and their update schedules.

Frequency Description
Fast Update every 30 mins
Medium Updates at 7am, 1.20pm and 3.20 pm daily
Default Update at 1am daily
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