Arranging Cover in Arbor

The Arrange Cover page in Arbor allows users to view and manage cover requirements for staff, displaying timetables and cover statuses. Users can filter by date and staff, assign cover, and view additional information about staff availability and cover history.

The Arrange Cover page in Arbor allows you to see cover requirements and the timetables of staff requiring cover in the same page. To begin, go to School > All Staff > Cover > Assign Cover.


Staff Profile: Cover: Administer - This permission lets you assign and control Cover in Arbor

Staff Profile: Cover: View - This permission lets you view Cover information in Arbor

Viewing lessons requiring cover and assigning staff members to cover the lesson

The Arrange Cover dashboard will display all staff members with any cover requirements on the day. You can also amend the filter at the top of the page to select any dates you need, the staff that you want to search for (both by name and by business role) and how you want to display the information in the table.

Between the filter and the table is a key that shows the colours for different sessions. Red periods require cover, yellow periods show where cover has been requested but not yet arranged, green denotes where cover has been arranged, and orange is for periods that have only been partially covered. If cover is not required, the field will remain grey.

If the staff member is absent but they do not have any lessons during a school period and does not require cover, the table will simply display Absent for that period. Hovering over a period coloured red will provide details on that lesson including the time and date of the period that requires cover, and the reason for the staff member's absence.

Clicking on one of these periods will allow you to assign cover to another staff member as normal, including options to amend the length of cover beyond the timetabled period and change which room the period will be taking place in. You can also set the period as not requiring cover.

Viewing further Cover information

The table in the Arrange Cover page also displays information on the number of free periods a staff member has in a day, how many lessons they are scheduled to teach on the date, and also how much cover they have provided in the academic year to date. This information will display by default, but you can click the Hide Columns button to customise what information is displayed in the Arrange Cover table.

You can also hover over a staff member's name in the table to gather further information, including the amount of lessons that they have had covered today, in the last week, last term, and the academic year. Clicking on the staff member's name will bring up a pop-up window where you can click on their name or profile picture to bring up their Arbor profile.


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