Why can't I add an absence for a member of staff?

You may receive an error message when trying to log a staff absence.

You aren't able to record two staff absences that overlap, so if you are trying to record a new period of absence that overlaps with one already recorded, you'll receive this message.



This error does not mean that there is already an absence with the same start date. It means that there is an absence that overlaps.

In the example above, I tried to add an absence for the 4th April and all dates afterwards (because the absence was set to ongoing). However, I already had an absence logged for the staff member for the 26th May, so i couldn't log the new absence.

You'll need to either:

  • Find and remove the existing absence if it has been recorded incorrectly.
  • Add an end date for the new absence you are trying to log (so it is not set to ongoing) so it doesn't overlap with any existing absences.
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