School Census videos

Use the short videos below to help complete your census, including:

  • how to run and submit your census
  • filling in your on-the-day information
  • resolving some of your on-the-day census errors

Just click each title to expand the menu and watch the video!

Generating a census

How to run your Dry Run and Census in Arbor.

Resolve errors and queries

How to resolve data issues in your census, and what to do if you are unable to remove them.

Check and submit your census

Report on the data included in your census to be signed off, and how to download your census file.

For Reception, Year 1 and Year 2: Free school meals taken

On census day, if you have Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 students, the DfE asks you to return which students took their Universal Free School Meal Entitlement meal on census day. In this video, we'll walk through how to add this information to your census pages.

For Nursery: Part-time student statuses

Here's how to input the part-time or not part-time student statuses, which you must fill in to complete your census. Although this mentions the Autumn census, this is also relevant for the Spring and Summer censuses.

For Nursery: Funded hours, extended hours and hours codes

If you have nursery students here's how to input their funded hours, hours at setting and 30-hours codes, which you must fill in correctly to complete your census.
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