Follow the instructions below to register a child for a club using the Parent Portal or Parent App.
If you are unable to sign up, please contact your school. They will need to follow these instructions.
Please note that once you have signed up, you will need to contact your school if you would like to cancel participation or would like a refund.
From the main Parent Portal page, scroll down to the Activities section and click on the field with the child’s name and Clubs in.
The All Clubs page will list any clubs the child is currently a member of and any clubs that are currently open for them to join. At the bottom of the page, you'll also see any past clubs from previous years that your child was registered for in case you need to finish paying for them.
Click on the club to open up that club’s information page.
Free clubs on the Parent Portal
The club information page will display membership and timetable information. Any existing membership into the club for the pupil will be displayed. To sign your child up for the club, click on Register For This Club in the top right-hand corner of the page.
From the slide over menu that will appear, choose the membership period that you like to sign the child up for - this may be a set date range, a term or the whole academic year.
Finally, choose which sessions to sign your child up for and confirm registration.
If the school has requested that parents must confirm their consent for the child to attend the club, a box will pop up for consent to be confirmed. Click yes or no as appropriate.
You will then be returned to the club's information page, where the new membership(s) will now be displayed.
Paid clubs on the Parent Portal
The process for registering for clubs that charge a membership fee is very similar to the process for free clubs. The club information page will display membership and timetable information. Any existing membership into the club for the pupil will be displayed.
To sign your child up for the club, click on Register For This Club in the top right-hand corner of the page.
From the slide over menu that will appear, choose the membership period that you like to sign the child up for - this may be a set date range, a term or the whole academic year.
Next, choose which sessions to sign your child up for.
Finally, confirm your choices and click to pay. You can also select to add the payment to your basket to pay later - see how the basket works here.
Top Tip: Can't click the button? Follow this article: I can't click the button to pay?
If you click Cancel here, the child will be signed up provisionally, but you will need to pay to have them registered for the club.
You may have to then authenticate your identity for the payment to go through. This is a requirement of the recently introduced Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) regulations.
If authentication is needed for the payment, you will be prompted to authenticate the payment using the method of authentication your bank supports. This could be:
- an SMS code,
- your mobile banking app
- another method
For example, here's what it may look like if you're using Monzo. (Please note, we are not affiliated with Monzo, this is purely an example)
Once we've been able to confirm your identity, the payment will be completed and your card will be charged. You'll see confirmation that the transaction has been successful.
If the school has requested that parents must confirm their consent for the child to attend the club, a box will pop up for consent to be confirmed. Click yes or no as appropriate.
You will then be returned to the club's information page, where the new membership(s) will now be displayed.
To sign up for a club, click the menu icon at the bottom left of your screen. Select Clubs.
You can then see a list of any clubs the child is currently a member of and any clubs that are currently open for them to join. At the bottom of the page, you'll also see any past clubs from previous years that your child was registered for in case you need to finish paying for them.
Click on the club to open up that club’s information page.
Click a club to access the Club Overview. Click Register For This Club to sign up.
Next, select the period you would like to sign up for. This is dependent on what your school has set up, and may include a termly, weekly or daily package. Then click Next.
Select the period you would like to sign up for, then click Next.
On the next page, if no payment is required you can sign up.
If no payment is required but you are allowed to give a contribution, you can select this option.
If it is a club you have to pay for, you can input your card details to pay for the club.
Top Tip: Can't click the button? Follow this article: I can't click the button to pay?
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