Adding ULNs to resolve errors 1570, 1573, 1575 and 1578

All students in England and Wales are issued with a ULN when commencing study with a publicly funded training provider. This unique, 10-digit number is used to track learning records throughout the student's life. In your school census, you might receive errors if you haven't added ULNs to your student's profiles.

  • You can follow the instructions below to resolve individual errors
  • Or you can resolve errors in bulk: Bulk adding ULNs



In the DfE validations sections you may encounter these errors:

  • 1570- Unique learner number must be provided for pupils aged 14 and over on census day
  • 1573- Unique learner number must be provided for pupils aged 14 and over at the date of leaving
  • 1575- ULN format incorrect. Either number is less than 10 digits or the check digit is incorrect
  • 1578- More than one pupil record with the same ULN



To correct any of these errors for a single student, you can click into the error in your Arbor validations section or go to the student's profile and click the ULN field in the Identity section.



For error 1575, the Unique Learner Number must be 10 digits long AND contain the correct check character. To check the check character is correct:

  1. Multiply the individual digits by their weights e.g. digit 1x10, digit 2x9 etc
  2. Add the results of each multiplication.
  3. Take away 11 until you are left with a number less than 11.
  4. If this number is 0, then reject the ULN
  5. Subtract this number from 10 to get the check digit.


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