This article will cover common questions regarding data management on student profiles. For more information on student profiles, check the dedicated section of the Help Centre for this topic here.
Why is a student's UPN showing as temporary?
Temporary UPNs are allocated when a school receives a pupil who may already have a UPN, but the receiving school does not yet know the UPN (for example, a CTF from the student's previous school has yet to be obtained).
Temporary UPNs should be replaced immediately once the valid UPN is known with the temporary UPN being reported in the former UPN field. To see how to change a temporary UPN to a permanent UPN, see the question below.
How do I change a UPN?
You will need the Student Profile: Identity: Administer All/My Students and the Student Profile: Identity: View All/My Students in order to change a temporary UPN to a permanent UPN or to amend an incorrect UPN. If you have these permissions, follow these steps:
- On the student profile, click on the Temporary UPN in the Identity section.
- Click Edit and untick the Temporary box.
- Enter the UPN in the Existing UPN field.
- Click Assign UPN.
If you are amending an incorrect UPN, follow these steps:
- On the student profile, click on the UPN in the Identity section.
- Click Edit on the UPN and click the red Delete button.
- Click the +Add button in the top-right of the Identity section of the student profile and select UPN.
- Input the correct UPN and click Save Changes.
Can we move User Defined Fields (UDFs) to different areas of the student profile?
No, it is not possible to move the User Defined Fields to a different section of a student profile. User Defined Fields are bespoke collections of information that cannot be applied to existing sections of the student profile.
Can I see each student's SIMS admission number?
If you used admission numbers in SIMS, these will have been migrated into the Student Number field in the Identity section on student profiles. This is because we do not have an admissions number field in Arbor.
Can I view a student's former temporary UPN?
The student's former temporary UPN will not appear anywhere on their profile, but it is accessible from within a CTF generated from their profile. To generate a CTF of a student's profile, click on CTF Exports in the Admin Functions section at the very bottom of the student profile.
Why is there an Other section on the student profile?
Every student profile has an Other section for information that does not fit anywhere else on a profile. To make amendments to the information in the Other section, you will need the Student Profile: Admin: Administer All/My Students permission.
How do I download student data in bulk?
To download student profiles in bulk, follow these steps:
- Go to Students > All Students > Browse Students > Bulk Export > Student Profiles.
- Select the students that you want to download the information for. You can select by year group, course, registration form, custom group, etc.
- Tick the boxes to confirm what information you want to include in the download.
- Click the green Print student profiles button.
How do I create data collection sheets?
Producing a data collection sheet requires both the Student Profile: Admin: Administer My/All Students and the Student Profile: Identity: Administer My/All Students permissions. To create data collection sheets, follow these steps:
- Go to Students > All Students > Browse Students > Bulk export > Data Collection Sheets.
- Select the group of students that you want to create the data collection sheet for and tick the boxes to denote what information you will be collecting.
- Click the green Download data collection sheets button.
Can I print a blank data collection sheet?
No, it is not possible to print a blank data collection sheet.
Can we input a student's date of entry into the UK?
As the date of entry into the UK is not a required field by the DfE for the school census or the Welsh government for the PLASC census, there is no field to input this information in Arbor. However, you can set up a User Defined Field to collect this information. To see how to set up User Defined Fields, see our article here.
How do I add ULNs in bulk?
To add ULNs in bulk from a CTF, follow these steps:
- Go to School > Data > Import > CTF Import.
- Once the CTF has been downloaded, click into it and then click More.
- Click Bulk Set Import Section at the top-right of the page.
- Here, you can tick or untick whichever boxes you do or do not need. ULN's are not included in these tick boxes as this is considered basic information and will be included when you import the CTF.
Can I edit student email addresses or phone numbers in bulk?
It is not possible to amend email addresses and phone numbers in bulk, but it is possible to delete email addresses and phone numbers in bulk. To do so, follow these steps:
Deleting bulk records:
- Go to Students > All Students > Bulk Update > Student Contact Details.
- Click and hold on a cell in the table and drag your mouse down the page to highlight multiple cells.
- Press DELETE or the BACKSPACE button on your keyboard.
Amending and deleting individual records:
- Go to Students > All Students > Bulk Update > Student Contact Details.
- Click on the pencil icon next to the email address or phone number you wish to amend.
- Delete the existing information and input your preferred information.
- Press ENTER on your keyboard to save this information.
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