Scheduling and sharing Custom Report Writer reports

With reports, you can Schedule them to define when you would like the report to run and who you would like to share the report with. You can Share it once and the recipient can be notified by an email or notification and the report can also be shared with external people by inputting their email address.


Go to School > Custom Report Writer and select a report.



Sharing a Report

To share a report, click into a report and go to Share from the left-hand menu.

Screenshot 2024-01-02 at 15.21.45.png


You can also share multiple reports in bulk at once from the All Reports page. This will save a lot of time if you regularly collaborate on reporting. 



Share report

Sharing a report within Arbor means that another user can see the report in their list of custom reports in School > Custom Report Writer.

Share by Email

You can send the report to someone not on your Arbor system (such as staff at another school or central MAT staff) via email.


Scheduling a Report

After clicking Schedule, you will be taken to the Schedule Report page where you can set up choose when to run this report, who to send it to and what should be included in the email, and how often the email should be sent.

To unschedule, click the red Delete button.

Please note that you can only schedule reports to be sent weekly on a certain day. If you need to send it out periodically at other times (such as termly), you would need to manually share it.



Scheduling and Sharing history

To see who the report has been shared with or sent to, select the report and select Report History from the left-hand menu.

You can also unshare the report.


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