Staff Development - Setting up Appraisals and Objectives in the School MIS

Use Arbor's Appraisals and Objectives features to track staff working towards achieving their performance goals.

  • Objective - Objectives are goals that a staff member should achieve or attain over a set period in time. You can set up objectives to correspond with an appraisal, or not, as needed.
  • Appraisal - A review of the appraisee’s work, objectives and what they need to do to improve their performance. You can create as many appraisals for a staff member as needed.

Please note that Objectives and Appraisals are included in our Perform packages. All other Arbor packages won’t have this feature by default. Want to upgrade or find out what package you’re on? Just get in contact with our Partnership Team by emailing 


  • Staff HR Performance Management Administer - see all appraisals and objectives for staff.
  • Administer Assigned Appraisals - you can only see the appraisal you have your name assigned to as an appraiser and you will only be able to see the on-going objectives for the staff member in that appraisal.
  • Appraisal: Administer and Objective: Administer - see and add information to your own appraisals and objectives.

If you don't have permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


Adding Appraisals 

From the Overview page

To see all staff member's appraisals and add a new appraisal, go to School > All Staff > Staff development > Appraisals.

Please note that appraisals cannot be added in bulk, but must be added for each staff member.

Click Create New Appraisal.



Fill in the slide over with the date of the appraisal, the appraisee (who is being evaluated) and the appraiser (who is doing the evaluating).

Please note that the drop-down list of appraisers has been restricted to show the people with the ability to administer appraisals. This means that only people with a Business Role that have either the Staff HR Performance Management Administer permission or the Administer Assigned Appraisals permission will be selectable.



Once you click Create staff appraisal, you will be taken to the Appraisal details page, which has sections for objectives, observations and training.



From the Staff Profile

Navigate to a staff profile, and click Professional Development from the left-hand menu. Click +Add to add an Appraisal using the same slide over as shown in the section above.




Adding Objectives

From the Overview page

To see all staff member's objectives and add a new objective, go to School > All Staff > Staff development > Objectives.

Please note that objectives cannot be added in bulk, but must be added for each staff member.

Click Create New Objective.



Fill in the slide over with the start and end dates of when the objective should be achieved by, and supporting information if required for your records. When happy with the details, click Create objective.



From the Staff Profile

Navigate to a staff profile, and click Professional Development from the left-hand menu. Click +Add to add an Objective using the same slide over as shown in the section above.


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I'm still stuck!


  • Hello,

    Please can you tell me if there is a way that when you, as an appraisee input your objectives you can send these to your appraiser via Arbor for them to approve / adapt as appropriate.

    And when they have done this they can send them back to you?

    And then when you complete your comments / evidence at the end of the year you can again send these to your appraiser for them to comment on?

    And when we are audited our auditors will not accept appraisals linked to changes in salary / grades unless they have information about current salary / grade and proposed salary / grade if there is a change - so unless you have these fields in your staff development appraisal fields we cannot use the system to record objectives or appraisals in Arbor.

    Thank you

    Nicky Wise

  • Hi Nicky,

    You can see how staff can add their own objectives and notes in this article:

    You won't need to send them anything, just add them to the objectives and anything you can view they can too!

    We don't currently have fields for salary information, but you could add these details into the notes, or as an attachment.


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