Why are old staff or students showing in the search bar?

Follow this article if people are showing up in the Global Search who shouldn't be.

Check you have correctly ended their enrolment or employment

Check Student enrolment

Make sure you have followed this article correctly to end their enrolment.

Their enrolment in the Enrolment section of the student should be a past enrolment.



Check Staff Employment

Make sure you have followed this article to correctly end their contract (if any) and their Business Roles.

Their contract on their profile should look like this:



The Business Roles section should look something like this, with no current business roles:1A5EF58C-D546-4895-94E8-C43BAEF62CE3_4_5005_c.jpeg


Everything for the Staff or Student has ended but still showing in the search bar

This is expected behaviour in Arbor. They won't disappear from the search bar as soon as their enrolment or employment has ended.

Student profiles

Students are shown up to 1 year before their first enrolment and up to 1 year after they leave. For example, if a student's enrolment end date is 1st April last year, they will appear in the search box until 1st April this year.

Applicants appear until 1 year after their expected admission date, or the end date of their intake season academic year. If a student has an expected admission date of 2nd September last year, they will appear in the search bar until 2nd September this year.

Staff profiles

Staff show up to 1 year before their first business role or contract assignment and up to 1 year after they leave.

The 1 year will start from whichever out of business role and contract has the most recent date.

If no contracts or business role assignments exist, they will show up to one year after the record creation date.

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