Error 2303

Error 2303 occurs when a pupil's leaving date indicates they left before their exclusion started. To resolve this, check the student's profile, review exclusions, and adjust the enrolment end date accordingly. If the exclusion review is pending, exclude it from the census.

Pupil’s leaving date suggests they left the school prior to the start of their exclusion. If you are unsure when to record a student's unenrolment when they have a suspension, please contact the DfE for further guidance.

Arbor Solution:

  1. Go to the student's profile
  2. Click on Behaviour on the left
  3. Click on the tab for Exclusions
  4. Review the exclusions recorded for the student

Now check the student enrolment:

  1. Click on Enrolment on the left
  2. Click on the most recent enrolment
  3. Click on the Edit button
  4. Change the end date to after the Start Date of the exclusion

Alternatively, if the exclusion review has not yet been completed, to exclude it from the census:

  1. Click on the exclusion
  2. Click on the Edit button
  3. Tick the Do not return in school census button
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