Error 930

Error 930 occurs when the number of part-time pupils not in school exceeds the total number of registered part-time pupils. To resolve this, check the pupil reconciliation number and ensure the correct count of part-time students is registered in the census.

More part-time pupils not in school than total part-time pupils registered

Step 1 - Check your pupil reconciliation number

Go to the Pupil Reconciliation section from the left-hand side of your census. 

Make sure that the number you've put into the Part time not in field is correct. This should be the number of students that are part-time and not required to be in school at the time of your census.



Step 2 - Check your part-time students

Go to the Part Time Students section from the left-hand side of your census. 

Make sure that you've set the right number of students here as part-time. You can see more information about this here: What makes a student full or part-time?


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