Why does my Pay Scale show as 'No longer in Use'?

If your pay scale is showing as 'No longer in Use', this is due to the end date set being in the past. You'll need to edit it if you want it to show as in use.

You can find your pay scales in School > All Staff > HR Admin > Pay scales - click on the selected pay scale.


You will need School: School: HR Policy to have access and edit the pay scale. If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


In this example, it is now June and this pay scale has an end date of 31st May. This means that as of 1st June, this scale was no longer being used or active.

Making changes or being 'No longer in use' will not affect any attached staff's salaries to this pay scale.



I need to update my pay scales

If the 'No longer in use' flag is correct and you need to update your pay scales, you can follow this article.


The pay scale is still in effect

If this is a mistake and the pay scale is still in effect, you can remove or extend the end date. If you know the actual end date of the pay scale, it will be best to put that in. If you don't know this date, remove the end date entirely.

Click on the End Date within the pay scale then remove or change it. Click the green Save Changes button.



The pay scale will no longer show as 'No longer in use'.


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