Recording a Secondment for staff

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Secondments are used when staff are temporarily 'acting up' as another role at your school or MAT.

  • It isn't possible to pause or suspend someone's contract, to be restarted at a later date.
  • You should not record a secondment as an absence.

Secondment to a different role

To record a secondment, you'll need to add an end date to their current contract, and then add their new one. You can see how to do this here: Managing Staff Contracts

Once the secondment is over, you'll need to end their secondment contract and add a new contract for their original role. In total through this process, there will be three contracts.


Secondment to a different school

When you are on secondment to another school, they will have needed to make sure a staff profile is set up for you on the other school's site.

  • If you're not able to log into the other school's site, get in touch with the admin team at the other school to check they have set up a profile for you.
  • If you'll be working at multiple schools in a MAT, you might want to get in touch with your MAT MIS team to set you up on the MAT site. You'll then be able to log into schools from there.
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Secondment to a different role