Add a one off meal for a student

You may need to provide a meal to a student on an ad hoc basis, for example, if they forgot their packed lunch or if they were not to due to attend but did. You'll need to add them to the meal register to charge them - there are two ways to do this depending upon your setup.


You'll need the Student: Meals: Administer All Students permission to complete this process. If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


If the student is not on the meal register

Go to School > Meals.  Click on the date in the top right and change this to the date the student had the meal.  Click on Change Date.


Once you have the correct date, click the orange Add Students button at the bottom of the page. 



In the slide over, choose the student and the meal they had, then click Add Students. Abor will then invoice the student accordingly.

Top Tip: Can't select any students in the drop-down box, or can't select the students you need? This means they have already been added to this sitting, and you should follow the instructions below.



If the student is on the meal register

Go to School > Meals. Click on the date in the top right and change this to the date the student had the meal, then click the Change Date button.

Click the View Register button at the bottom right of the page.



Tick the box next to the student to select, then click the Bulk action button. Choose which meal to add for the student. 

Arbor will then invoice the student for the meal.


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