Reporting on Meals

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In Arbor, you can use our built-in reporting for Meals, or you can create your own custom reports.

Please note that it is not possible to report on meal choices for future dates, unless you are using Rotating Meal Menus.

Using our out-of-the-box meal reports

Go to School > Meals > Meal Reports from the left-hand menu.

For all of the report tables, you can change the date ranges by clicking on the filters at the top of the page, and download them by clicking Download.

Numbers by week

This report shows a breakdown of each provision per week, for the current term.


Numbers by form

This report shows all registration forms and the different meal provisions your school offers. This grid will show the number of times each provision was taken on that day within the registration form.

The date can be changed by choosing a different date and clicking on Change Date.




The meal register can also be accessed here by scrolling down to the bottom of the page and clicking on View Register for _.


Monthly payments

This report shows the payments your school has received for each month this academic year.

This report loads the month, money collected, money deposited, invoiced amount, surplus and balance.



Clicking on a month will load a page with the weekly payments within that month. 


Charges by person 

This report shows students that have been charged a meal over a specific period of time. You can filter down the report to only show specific registration forms if needed.


Charges by date

This report shows a list of all meal charges for the selected date.


The Meal Funding Report

On the meal funding report, you can report on current or past years and weeks, and look at the student and staff meals taken that week.



You can also see a list of uncategorised meals here. You can see how to resolve these here: Unknown and uncategorised meals and how to fix them




Meals taken for an individual student

You can report on individual student meals from their student profile. Just go to the Meals section of their profile and click the Historic Attendance tab. You can see further details here: The student profile



Using the Custom Report Writer

You can create a custom report from School > Custom Report Writer. You can see more information on how to set up a report here: Creating a report

In step 1, you can select whether your report is about Student or Staff meals.



When you select these options, the columns automatically included will be the list below. You can remove these, edit these or add additional columns as needed.

  • Name (Student or Staff)
  • Meal
  • Meal sitting
  • Meal date and time
  • Meal type
  • Meal provision
  • Meal price category
  • Meal invoice amount



Add the Meal Price Category Statistic column to add a count of certain meal price categories.




Top Tip: This column can also be used when you apply a grouping to your report! So for example, you can find the total number of FSM meals taken per year group.


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