Changing the price of a meal during the year

You can change the prices for meal provisions for future dates, or backdate a price change to the start of the year.

Please note that this process cannot be used for changing the VAT - please see these instructions:  Can we change the VAT rate of a meal price?


  • Meals: Administer All Students - Set up meals for students
  • Finance: Administer - Set prices for the meals

If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


Changing the price of your meals for a future date

If you would like to change the meal price starting from a date in the future, you can add a new price. This adds new pricing, allowing you to keep your existing price until the selected date, and see what the past prices were.

Go to School > Meals and select Setup from the left-hand side. Select the Prices section.



Select the meal provision you would like to change the price for.



Select the price category to update. In the slide over, click the Update Meal Prices button.

Screenshot 2023-10-02 at 15.45.35.png


After clicking the Update Meal Prices button, change the end date of the current meal price to the day before you want the new price to apply.

Screenshot 2023-10-02 at 15.52.51.png


Add the new meal price into the New Prices section, with the dates you want the new price to apply.

Then click Add meal price change.

Screenshot 2023-10-02 at 15.53.16.png


The meal will remain at the existing price until the date of the new price.

Screenshot 2023-10-02 at 15.54.03.png


Click on the price to see future prices.

Screenshot 2023-10-02 at 15.54.37.png


Changing the current price of your meals

If you would like to change an existing meal price you can. Please bear in mind this will recalculate all past invoices and student's and staff's meal balances.

Go to School > Meals and select Setup from the left-hand side. Select the Prices section.



Select the meal provision you would like to change the price for.



Select the price category to update. In the slide over, click the Update Meal Prices button.

Screenshot 2023-10-02 at 15.45.35.png


After clicking the Update Meal Prices button, click the Edit button. 

Screenshot 2023-10-02 at 16.00.05.png


Adjust the price, then click the Update existing meal prices button.

You will be asked to confirm your changes, as this will recalculate all invoices for the data range the price applies to.

Screenshot 2023-10-02 at 16.00.40.png

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