Error 4376

Error Message: Service agreements and temporary contracts that have lasted less than 28 days, as of reference date, will be picked up in the next year’s census if they go on to last 28 days or more. Do not include them now.


  1. Head to the staff member's profile page, then select Contracts on the left-hand side.
  2. Use the grey Contract drop-down menu to check for any ongoing contracts that started in the 28 days prior to the School Workforce Census date (or after the census date itself).
  3. If any of these contracts have an Employment Type of Service Agreement, or Temporary contracts that started in this period, they should not be included in the School Workforce Census.

You can exclude the contract in one of two ways:

  • Follow the steps in this article: Excluding staff or contracts from the Workforce Census under the section 'Discounting certain contracts'.
  • Delete the contract. This will remove the entire contract and any salary details/additional payments that have been entered, and you will need to re-add this information after your Workforce Census return has been submitted.

Once either of the two steps has been taken for all non-permanent contracts starting after or in the 28 days prior to the census date, you should find that this error clears from the next generation of the Workforce Census.

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