On-the-day Class Activity error 1170 and query 1180Q (Spring Census only)

Schools need to include the activity of each class at the time of the Spring Census. Please note that these issues cannot be resolved until on or after Census Day.

Error 1170

The class activity is missing or invalid.

Go to the Classes page from the left-hand side of your census. You'll see if the class is missing an activity. Click the class to add in this information.



Select the class activity that best matches what this class is doing at the time of the census. For example, my Reception REEZ group does Spelling from 10:30 am until 11:30 am on a Thursday, so I should choose the activity of English Literacy or Reading.



Query 1180Q

Please check: activity shown as other for all classes.

The DfE would expect a subject set for classes to be based on the activity students are doing at the time of the census. 

  • If Other is correct, you'll need to submit a validation note alongside your census.
  • To change the class activity, go to the Classes page from the left-hand side of your census and select the class.

Select the class activity that best matches what this class is doing at the time of the census. For example, my Reception REEZ group does Spelling from 10:30 am until 11:30 am on a Thursday, so I should choose the activity of English Literacy or Reading.


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