On-the-day Free Meals Taken error 1310 (Spring census only)

This article provides guidance on how to report the number of free school meals taken on census day, emphasizing the need to manually input the correct figures and adhere to eligibility criteria. It also highlights the importance of including both day and boarding pupils and avoiding common errors.

Some queries and errors can only be resolved on Census day. You won't be able to get rid of them before the Census Day.

On census day, the DfE asks you to return information for the number of free school meals taken on census day. Pupils are ‘FSM’ eligible where they meet the ‘FSM’ eligibility criteria and make a claim. Click here to take a look at the DfE’s guidance on how a student qualifies for free school meals.


You will need to manually add the correct number. Go to the Meals section from the left-hand side of your census. Click the Free Meals Taken field to add in the total number of free school lunch meals taken by students with FSM eligibility at lunchtime on census day.

  • If the lunchtime situation on census day is abnormal, please see the DfE’s Unusual circumstance guidance.
  • If you have boarders, include both day and boarding pupils to reflect what occurred on census day.

Make sure the number you are recording in this section includes:

  • Any students who are Free School Meals in year 3 or above
  • Any students who are Free School Meals and who are also entitled to Universal Free School Meals.

To avoid errors, such as 1320, do not include any students who receive free meals due to the Universal Infant Free School Meal entitlement only.


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