Viewing statistics for attendance

The article explains how to use the Statistics page to generate various attendance reports, detailing the necessary permissions, filter options, and example reports that can be created. It emphasizes the ability to customize reports based on different criteria such as demographics, year groups, and individual students.

The Statistics page is an extremely powerful page you can use to create almost any type of attendance report. Please note: If you want to schedule this report to be sent out, you’ll need to instead set up a custom report.

Go to Students > Attendance > Statistics (in the left-hand menu).


You'll need the Student: Attendance: View All Students permission to access attendance statistics. If you don't have permission, you'll need to ask an administrator to give you permission following these instructions.

How do the filters work?

Click into the filter bar at the top of the page to customise the report: 

  • Start and end dates - These can include previous academic years.
  • Students who are - This will decide which students you want to look at. You can choose specific year or form groups, as well as demographics and courses. If you choose more than one group in the same field, it looks for students who are in either group. If you enter a group in the and who also are field, it looks for students who are in both categories.
  • Only current students - This is checked by default, untick this box to include students who attended your school during the date range, but are now off roll.
  • Specific Roll Call - If you're reporting on statutory attendance, you can decide to look at just PM or AM marks.
  • Ignoring specific marks - This will remove selected marks from the calculation for all students e.g. you want to remove all N codes from consideration.
  • Display settings - You can show data grouped by different categories, from individual student to year groups, to demographics. The Show data by field takes precedence, and the and also by field will show as subgroups - for example, by year group and then house. To see year group and house separately, you would need to look at one, then adjust the filter settings accordingly.
  • Type of attendance - The check boxes at the bottom determine what attendance columns you want to display. You can combine as many or as few as you would like.

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Once you have your selections set as you'd like, you can either click Apply or Save as New filter.

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The save option is particularly useful if this is a filter you use often - just select it next time from the Saved Filters dropdown. Please note that other staff cannot select your saved report, but you can share the URL to your saved report.

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Example reports

Let’s have a look at some of the example reports you can make from the statistics page:

  1. Whole school attendance
  2. Attendance by demographics - e.g. SEN, Pupil Premium, EAL, sex, FSM etc.
  3. Attendance by year group/reg form/house
  4. Attendance for each individual student
  5. The number of sessions a student could have attended
  6. A count of the number of each type of attendance mark

Example report 1: Whole school attendance

By default, a table provides a Whole School Attendance report.

It shows analysis by Category Report with an overview of Present, Absent and Late percentage totals from the start of the current academic year.  Using the filters at the top of the page, you can create a report of any student group’s attendance and compare it to other student groups.

Top Tip: Click the Marks header to sort your group from highest attendance to lowest.



Example report 2: Percentage attendance report by demographics

I want to see the present and absence statistics for each demographic such as FSM, PP, EAL, CLA. I'll need to choose to show data by demographic then click Apply.

You may also like to report on the opposite of the demographics, such as Pupil Premium versus Non-Pupil Premium students - just select Demographics and Inverse instead.




To report on demographics by Year Group, Registration Group etc.. you will need to add a grouping by clicking + and also by. It will then look like this:



Example report 3: Percentage attendance report by student group

You might want to see attendance by student group (such as year group, ethnicity, registration form, class or house), so you can award the group with the highest attendance. Click into the filters and select to show data by... and select the student group such as year group then click Apply.




Example report 4: Attendance for each individual student

To get attendance for each individual student, just select to show data by Student then click Apply.




Example report 5: Amount of Roll Call sessions a student should have attended

To get the total number of sessions, click into the filter at the top and check the box next to Number possible.

Top Tip: There's two roll call sessions a day, so you can divide this number by two to find the number of days.



Example report 6: A count or % of each type of attendance mark

To get a count of the number of each type of attendance mark, take a look at this article: Whole school and student attendance analysis by code

Example report 7: Class attendance

You can see how to do this here: How can I see attendance statistics for my class?

Example report 8: Custom group attendance

To get attendance data by Custom group, in Show Data By... select Custom group from the drop down then click Apply. To include the student count, tick the Number of Students in the filter options.

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To get attendance data for individual students within a certain Custom Group, select the Custom group from the drop down in Students who are... and click into Show Data By... and select Student then click Apply.

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