Primary Data Migration FAQ

How do I know my migration date?

Your migration date is the day that has been agreed for us to start moving the data from your current MIS to your new Arbor MIS - this date will have been at the point of sale. The date will be in your “Welcome to your Arbor Onboarding Journey” email, which you will receive in week 1 of your onboarding journey. Click here to read more about your onboarding journey. If you’re not sure what your migration date is, just get in touch with the team - click Contact Us in the top right of the Help Centre and select Onboarding, migration and moving to Arbor.

What should I do before migration?

To prepare for your move to Arbor, take a look at our Weeks 1 - 4 guide which gives a detailed breakdown of the actions you’ll need to undertake before migration day.

How do I know if I am migrating over a weekend or a school holiday and what difference does this make?

If your migration date falls on a Thursday, and not before the start of a school holiday, you will be migrating to Arbor over a weekend.

A migration over a weekend means that you send us the data from your current MIS after you have taken your PM registers on a Thursday (your agreed migration date). Your migration to Arbor will then begin on Thursday evening and will run throughout Friday and over the weekend. You’ll have access to your new Arbor MIS by the following Wednesday. We recommend having paper registers handy for Friday and Monday as once you have taken a backup of data from your current MIS and provided this to Arbor, anything that you change or add in your current MIS won’t be in Arbor, so it is best to stop using your old MIS to ensure no data is missing from your new Arbor MIS.

Migration over a school holiday means that you send us the data from your current MIS on your final day of the term/half term after you have completed your final register. Your migration to Arbor will begin when we have received your data and will run throughout the holiday. We will be back in touch when your new Arbor MIS is ready to log in. This will be in time for your first day back after the holiday.

Do you have any data migration help guides?

We have guides on how to send us your data here, and an FAQ on how to use our Secure Upload Portal here.

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