Error 1496

Error 1496 indicates that no pupils no longer on roll have been recorded. New schools must submit a note to collect, while existing schools need to verify off-rolled leavers. Steps include checking leavers, ensuring students are of statutory school age, and following the New School Year Setup process. If the error persists after these checks, a validation note should be added upon census submission.

If you get Error 1496: No pupils no longer on roll have been recorded, follow the instructions below.

We are a new school

If your school did not exist last year, you'll need to submit a note to collect.


We are not a new school

You'll need to check you off-rolled your leavers at the end of last year.

Step 1 

Check your leavers from Students > Browse Students > Leavers.

If you do have students who left during the last term but this query is still flagging, check the student's ages.

If they are not statutory school age, they won't be counting towards the census' figures.

Step 2

If you haven't had any other students leave your school during the last term, they won't be included in your census (for example no students left your school during Summer term when reporting the Autumn census). 

You'll need to make sure you off roll all your leavers following Step 2 of the New School Year Setup process.

Step 3

If you have followed the instructions above and regenerated your census and still have this error, add a validation note on submission of your census.

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