New School Year Setup help and guidance

The New School Year Setup process in Arbor opens on the 1st May so we've put together some great resources to help guide you through the end of year process! There's no need to wait until later on in the year as the setup won't take effect until September - so get started today!

Our New School Year Guidance

Before you get started

Our New School Year Setup guides cover the whole process to prepare for the next academic year. Click here to get started on Step 1: New School Year Setup guide

Got a question?

Take a look at our most commonly asked questions about the process here: New School Year Setup FAQs

In-product help

On the setup pages, you’ll have access to our in-MIS help bot filled with Top Tips and FAQs. Introducing… Arby!



Check you've set everything up correctly

Want a way to quickly check if you've completed each step? Take a look at our Checklist.

If you're seeing a banner on your site, it means you haven't quite completed one or more of the New School Year Setup steps. Be sure to follow the instructions in this article to resolve this and remove the banner.


Contact for more support

Partner-supported schools

Please contact your support partner for further support with the New School Year Setup.

Arbor-supported and Advanced Support schools

You can see how to get in touch here: Contact us

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