This article explains how to address unresolved census errors or queries by regenerating the census, double-checking error resolution instructions, and submitting a note if issues persist.
If a census error or query has not been removed,
- Regenerate your census - You need to regenerate your census for the errors you've resolved to be removed. Just click the orange button at the right-hand side of your census page and wait for the notification that it has generated. Click the notification to check the errors have been removed.
- Double-check - Check that you've followed the instructions to resolve the error correctly. You can see guidance for resolving them by typing the code into the search box in the Help Centre.
- Submit a note - If you are unable to resolve a query or tont error in COLLECT, you won't be able to remove it. You'll need to submit an explanation note when you submit your census to COLLECT. Take a look at the DfE’s COLLECT guides for help with what explanations to submit for any existing queries.
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