Errors 4001 and 4002

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Pupil is not eligible for National Tutoring Programme (NTP).

  • 4001 will flag when the student has the funding set but is not in a year group that is eligible (and isn't aged 5-15 as of 31st August).
  • 4002 will flag when the student has the funding set but is not of an eligible age.

In order to be eligible for National Tutoring Programme (NTP), students must be in Years 1-11 and aged 5-15 as of the 31st August during the academic year prior to the census. You can see how to add funding here: National and School Led Tutoring funding and teaching hours

If the student is not eligible, you should remove the student funding allocation for this student from their student profile by clicking into the funding and clicking Delete.

You cannot delete Student Funding in bulk, but you can see how to update them in bulk here: Adding top up funding to a student

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