If you want to record that a staff member is working from home, you can use our 'Working from home' event type. This will mean the event shows in their calendar and they won't be shown as available when selecting staff for cover, and won't appear as free on the Timetable > Free Staff Finder page.
To see more details on managing events, including what permissions are needed, take a look at this article.
- If you want to add a period of working from home for a single staff member, go to their Staff Profile and click the Calendar option from the left-hand menu. Click the slot when you want the working from home period to begin.
- To add a period of working from home for multiple staff, you can do this right from your Arbor Dashboard with the right permissions - just click Favourites > Create event. You can also find their calendar from their staff profile and click into the slot to add an event.
In the slide over, you'll see the new event type of Working from home, as well as a box where you can add multiple participants who will be working from home.
When adding the working from home event, you can choose to either create a one-off event or choose certain times the event will occur each day. We'd recommend the second option, as it allows you to schedule the event during term time only, and remove a single day's event from a participant's calendar if they come into the school for one day.
To see which of your staff are working from home, you can go to School > Timetable > All Timetabled Events (List). You can use the filters, or search for the event type.
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