To enable you to roll out assessment frameworks and policies from MAT MIS, you’ll need to define the dates for your academic years.
Academic Years
Go to Administration > Academic Years. Click +Add to add an academic year.
Please note: You cannot delete an academic year once added, but you can click it to edit the dates. The end date must not overlap with the start date of the next year.
Previous years
Please see our guidance on adding previous years in our FAQ article here.
To enable you to analyse assessments on the MAT MIS you’ll need to define the dates for your terms.
Go to Administration > Academic Years and click on the academic year. You then need to define the dates for each term. Click +Add to add a term.
Add three terms. Do not add 6 terms as if they were half terms - we will automatically create half terms for you for reporting.
If you want to amend the dates or delete a term, click into the term and click Edit.
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