Analysing assessments on the MAT MIS

With our assessment features in MAT MIS, MAT Assessment Leads can standardise the way you manage assessments across your trust. In this article, you’ll find out how to align assessment and reporting periods across your trust, and analyse progress across your schools with our central analysis page.

Assessment analysis is not available on our MAT Essentials Tier. Want to upgrade or find out what package you’re on? Just get in contact with our Partnership Team by emailing 

Setting up your MAT MIS reporting settings

Step 1 - Check your Data Sharing Agreements

You’ll need to make sure you have an active data-sharing agreement set up between your MAT MIS site and your school’s sites to allow the data to be populated.

You can check they have been confirmed by following the instructions in this article.

If you don’t have active data-sharing agreements for all your schools, you won’t be able to see their assessment data.


Step 2 - Check your assessments and import custom assessments

To make sure all your assessments can be analysed, check all your schools’ assessments appear on the Administration > Assessments > Assessment Framework > Assessment Catalogue page.

This page will show by default any assessments set up using our templates available in the setup process, such as Progress 8 or EYFS curriculum assessments.

To show any custom summative assessments on this page to allow you to analyse them, you must export them from the school’s MIS then import them into your MAT MIS. Use this article to export them, then import them using the Import Assessment Template button.


Step 3 - Add years and terms

To enable you to report on your assessments for different years and terms, you’ll need to define the dates for them. You can see how to do this here: Academic years and terms on the MAT MIS

Step 4 - Check your Reporting Periods and reporting frequency

Finally, you’ll need to check that your schools’ assessments will fall into the right assessment period. You can see how to do this here: Assessment Reporting Periods on the MAT MIS



Analysing your assessments

You can analyse your summative assessments of the same type across your schools from Analytics > Assessment > Analysis.

Please note that on the analysis pages on the School MIS you can choose to exclude students who have left. This is not possible on the MAT MIS.

Using the Grade Distribution page

Using the filters, you can choose what assessments to look at:

  • Academic year - The academic year you’d like to report on.
  • Students in... - Select a specific year group, demographic, ethnicity or sex to drill down into your data. You can combine these, to show students who are Year 10 and Femae for example.
  • Reporting period - Choose the reporting period (term or half-term) you defined for the MAT MIS. You’ll only be able to report on the marks that fall within this assessment period.
  • Assessments - Choose the assessments to analyse marks for. All your schools will have needed to set up the assessment on their site to be able to pull this information in.
  • Grade set - Select the assessment to be able to choose the grade set you want to analyse for.
  • Group by - Choose Curriculum Grade to see a breakdown for each year group.
  • Display baselines - Choose whether to include a grade distribution for your assessment baselines.

In this example, I have chosen to look at Year 10s doing computer science, compared to the baselines.

Please note: Any filters you have applied at the top level will also apply to the drill-downs, so in the example below I am only looking at Year 10s. Click the Back button to change your filters and drill down again to analyse different data.



Click a measure to drill down to see the distribution for each school.

They will be ordered with the schools with the highest average mark at the top and the lowest average grade at the bottom. Please note: Blank marks and not required marks are not included.



Toggle between the Chart and Table views to allow you to download or Live Feed your report.



Using the Attainment Over Time page

Using the filters, you can choose what assessments to look at:

  • Academic year - The academic year you’d like to report on.
  • Assessment - Choose the assessment to analyse marks for. All your schools will have needed to set up the assessment on their site to be able to pull this information in.
  • Students in... - Select a specific year group, demographic, ethnicity or sex to drill down into your data. You can combine these, to show students who are Year 10 or Female for example.
  • Group by - Choose to display results by year, demographic, ethnicity or sex. 

In this example, I have chosen to look at Year 10s doing Maths, with no grouping applied.

Please note: Any filters you have applied at the top level will also apply to the drill-downs, so in the example below I am only looking at Year 10s. Click the Back button to change your filters and drill down again to analyse different data.



Click a measure to drill down to see the distribution for each school for a particular assessment period.

They will be ordered alphabetically by school from top to bottom, showing only the schools that have this assessment set up. Please note: Blank marks and not required marks are not included.



Click into a school to bring up a slide over where you can view more information.

You can then click into a student from here. If you have permission to log into their school site, you can click the green button to jump right to their profile on the school site.



Toggle between the Chart and Data views to allow you to download or Live Feed your report.



Using the Cohort and Mark Level Analysis pages

Use these pages to collate your summative assessment marks within an academic year across all of your schools. 

  • Use Cohort Level Analysis for one row per assessment for each school
  • Use Mark Level Analysis for one row for each student

These pages are particularly useful if you're not using our PowerBI connector, as you don't need to pull data from individual schools or set up Custom Reports!


By default all assessments and periods will be shown for the current academic year.

Click into the filter bar to reduce your query down to look at certain schools or assessments before exporting.

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 14.35.18.png

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 14.36.05.png


You can see an explanation of what each of the columns show below.

Cohort Level Analysis
  • Assessment Code - This is something we use in the background to match assessments together. We don't use the assessment name as this can be different in each school.
  • Academic Year Start - This is set in the background to standardise the academic year. Don't worry if the school and MAT ones are different.
  • Assessment Date - The first date of the assessment period.
  • Period Name - School assessment period name, not the MAT reporting period name.
  • Current Cohort Mean Points - Average of students' point score in that assessment just for that school.
  • Current Cohort Size - Number of pupils in that assessment in that school.
  • Current Cohort Mean Grade - The Current Cohort Mean Points as a grade. Look at the grade upper and lower statistical values to see the grade.
  • Previous Year Cohort Size - Same as Current Cohort Size but for last year's students. Will be blank if the assessment wasn't used last year.
  • Previous Year Cohort Mean Points - Same as Previous Current Cohort Size but for last year's students. Will be blank if the assessment wasn't used last year.
  • Points Improvement On Previous Cohort - Current Cohort Mean Points minus Previous Year Cohort Mean Points.
  • Trustwide Current Cohort Size - If the assessment is used in multiple schools (with the same assessment code) and the schools have the same assessment period names, this will show the total of all pupils in that assessment across the MAT.
  • Trustwide Current Cohort Mean Points - If the assessment is used in multiple schools (with the same assessment code) and the schools have the same assessment period names, this will show the mean points of all assessment marks in that assessment across the MAT.
  • Trustwide Current Cohort Mean Grade - The Trustwide Current Cohort Mean Points as a grade. Look at the grade upper and lower statistical values to see the grade.
  • Trustwide Points Rank - If there are multiple schools with this assessment and the same assessment period name, then it will rank them based on the the Current Cohort Mean Points compared to the group of schools.
  • School Improvement Rank - If there are multiple schools with this assessment and the same assessment period name and results for last year, this will rank them based on the Points Improvement on Previous Cohort.  
Mark Level Analysis
  • Assessment Name - This is something we use in the background to match assessments together. We don't use the assessment name as this can be different in each school.
  • Assessment Code - This is set in the background to standardise the academic year. Don't worry if the school and MAT ones are different.
  • Academic Year Start - The first date of the assessment period.
  • Period Name - School assessment period name, not the MAT reporting period name.
  • Assessment Date - The first date of the assessment period.
  • Current Points - The statistical point value of the mark.
  • Current Grade - The current grade.
  • Trustwide Average Points - If the assessment is used in multiple schools (with the same assessment code) and the schools have the same assessment period names, this will show the mean points of all assessment marks in that assessment across the MAT.
  • Difference To Trustwide Average Points - Current grade minus Trustwide Average Points.
  • Previous Points - The student's previous points for this assessment.
  • Previous Grade - The student's previous grade for this assessment.
  • Points Improvement - Current Points minus Previous Points.
  • Trustwide Points Rank - If the assessment is used in multiple schools (with the same assessment code) and the schools have the same assessment periods, then this will be their rank compared to all students in the trust. If the assessment is only in one school then it will be their rank in that school.
  • Trustwide Improvement Rank - If the assessment is used in multiple schools (with the same assessment code) and the schools have the same assessment periods, then this will be their rank of their Point Improvement compared to all students in the trust. If the assessment is only in one school then it will be their rank in that school.
  • Target Points - The student's operational target in points.
  • Target Grade - The student's operational target in grade.
  • Difference From Target - Current Points minus Target Points (positive is good, and would mean the student is ahead of their target). 
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