How can I see the salutation or addressee details for separated parents?

When creating a custom report that includes primary guardian address details you may want to see the salutation and address details for each parent separately where guardians live at different addresses.

This is useful when you're creating a mail merge using the custom report so that the salutation of your communication is only addressed to the guardian living at each address.

What you'll need to complete first:

You'll add a new report column in Step 3 of creating your custom report, so you'll need to have completed Steps 1 & 2 first.


In Step 3 of creating your custom report, you'll need to add the report column Primary Guardian postal addresses to your report by clicking and dragging to the added columns section on the right.

Once you've added this column you can continue completing the rest of your custom report setup and then create your mail merge using this report.

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