My custom report filter isn't showing any results or students

If you've applied filters that yield no results to a report in the Custom Report Writer, you'll get this message: "No Rows To Show"

Follow the instructions below if you've applied a filter to a report in the Custom Report Writer but it hasn't given you any results. You'll need to edit your report.



Step 1 - Check your filter

You may have added a filter where no students match the criteria.

For example, I have no Gypsy / Roma / Traveller students, so if I add a filter for this, my report won't show any students.



Have a look at the student group. For example, I went to Students > Demographics > Derived Indicators, selected Background and selected Gypsy / Roma / Traveller in the filters.




Step 2 - Check if you've applied more than one filter

Your filters might be contradicting each other. Here are the filters I've set - I wanted my report to only show students who were in the registration forms 1MJ or 1TP.

However, my report is actually showing students who are part of both 1MJ and 1TP. This would be none of my students, because students are only in one registration form today.



You can click the bin icons next to these filters to delete them. Then, add a new filter for Registration form (not for the name of the student group with a question mark ? at the end).



In the slide over, select the groups of students you want to be included under Is one of, then click Save.

When you Save and view your report, it will show only students in 1MJ or 1TP.



More help

This guide will give you some handy hints when using filters in a student-based custom report: Using AND and OR filters in the Custom Report Writer

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