Curriculum assessment analysis

There are a range of features you can use to analyse your formative assessments. If these reports are blank, make sure either default or custom assessments have been set up, and marks have been input.

Please note that Formative Assessment is included in the Perform package. All other Arbor packages won’t have this feature by default. Want to upgrade or find out what package you’re on? Just get in contact with your Account Manager.


Seeing a snapshot of students' mastery of the selected curriculum

Using the Curriculum Analysis Overview

Go to Students > Assessments > Formative Tracking > Analysis > Overview.



Use the filters to view the data for different curriculums, modules, students and more. You can swap between viewing your statistics in percentages and the grades you have defined in the filters. Just click the box at the top of the page and select your Grade Set.



You will then see Curriculum Mastery and Average grade defined in your school's terminology.



How is Curriculum Mastery calculated?

1. Curriculum Completion is calculated

The Curriculum Completion is the % of the curriculum which has a mark against it. It is calculated by dividing the total number of statements assessed by the total number of possible statements.

The Curriculum Completion in the example below is 75%. This means that if there are 100 curriculum statements, 75 of them have been marked.


2. Average Mark is found

The Average Mark is the average mark a student has ONLY on the curriculum statements that have been assessed. If only 5 statements out of 10 have been marked then it is the overall average of the 5 marked statements.

In the example below, the average mark is 62.6%. This means that if you average the mark of the 75 marked assessments, the average mark is 62.6%.



Each mark given in the Curriculum Assessment marksheet is given a weighting between 0% and 100%. For example, you may have these options:

  • Working towards = 33%
  • Working at = 67%
  • Working at greater depth = 100%

When finding the average mark, Arbor will round up or down to the nearest judgement. Here's some example average scores, and the overall judgement they correspond to.


3. Curriculum Completion and Average Mark are used to calculate the Curriculum Mastery

Curriculum Mastery refers to the average mark a student has out of the entire curriculum they are being assessed against. If a student was being assessed on a curriculum with 10 statements and only had 5 statements marked, the average comes from those 5 statements/10. To calculate the Curriculum Mastery, multiply the Curriculum Completion by the Average Mark.

To calculate the Curriculum Mastery for the example below, find 75% of the average mark. This calculation is 0.75 x 62.6 = 46.95, which rounds up to 47%. You can see this percentage under the Curriculum Mastery heading.




Seeing Curriculum Mastery over time

Go to Students > Assessments > Formative Tracking > Analysis > Progress over Time.

Using the Progress over Time chart

The Progress over Time chart shows the average curriculum mastery on a month by month basis, so you can see how the average curriculum mastery is progressing over time.

This lets you identify periods when the curriculum mastery may have stayed relatively static or is not progressing at a quick enough rate so that interventions can be planned.



You can filter the chart to compare the rate of progress for different groups or demographics.




Seeing Average Mark over time

The Average Mark over Time analysis is very similar to the Progress over Time analysis, showing the average mark over time. Go to Students > Assessments > Formative Tracking > Analysis > Average Mark over Time.

Using the Average Mark over Time chart

This page allows you to identify periods when the curriculum mastery may have stayed relatively static or has not progressed at a quick enough rate. With the average mark, you’d want to see it staying relatively high before students start covering new content. A drop in the average mark may indicate that more is being taught and not everything has been grasped fully yet.

You can see how the Average Mark is calculated in the How is Curriculum Mastery calculated? section above.




See Attainment by Area for your Curriculum Tracking

Go to Students > Assessments > Formative Tracking > Analysis > Attainment by Area. The Attainment by Area chart shows the breakdown of marks for each skill, submodule, or module in your curriculum.

Using the Attainment by Area page

You can apply filters to the data and change the curriculum by clicking on the filter bar.

The key at the top of the page shows you which mark each colour corresponds to. Clicking on a particular mark highlights this mark in the chart.



Clicking on the bar for a module or submodule will show the breakdown of marks inside that module. 



If you hover over the mark bands within a module you will also get a complete breakdown of who the students are who have attained the mark for that particular statement.



When you view all students, you can take further actions from here such as sending a communication or adding students to an intervention. You can also click on the student's name to be taken to the attainment area on their profile.




Reporting on your Curriculum Tracking results

Go to Students > Assessments > Formative Tracking > Analysis > Reporting or Comparison.

  • The Reporting page gives an overview of students Curriculum Mastery, Average Mark and Curriculum Completion across your chosen time period (similar to your Overview Dashboard). 
  • The Comparison page shows you the % of students falling within each marking grade across a selection of different subjects or just one subject.
The Reporting page

The reporting page is designed to inform you about the progress of individual students over the year to date, monthly or half-termly - just choose your date range in the filters.

You can also choose to view your marks using different grade sets. This lets you display your data in a range of different ways for different audiences.

If a child has gone from being On Track to being Below in the summer term, you can raise this with their teacher. Or you may see a big leap in attainment as a direct result of a child being part of an intervention programme.


The Comparison page

Using the filters, you can choose the Curriculum you want to view, grade set, students and choose to group students e.g. EAL v not EAL.



You can for example view all assessments for a particular group of students (e.g. Maths, Reading & Writing for all year 3 students) to identify which subjects/assessments are a cause for concern.

If, for example, maths and reading has the majority of students at secure, but writing has a large number of student still developing, you can follow up with the teacher. 



Viewing a mark distribution for your assessment for a given date

The Mark Distribution page allows you to view the average distribution of marks across a curriculum and then filter this information by groups. Go to Students > Assessments > Formative Tracking > Analysis > Mark Distribution.

Using the Mark Distribution page

You can filter the chart by student groups such as FSM vs non-FSM or boys vs girls by clicking into the filter bar. 



This information can be viewed as a table or chart by clicking on the tabs at the top of the report. Clicking into each ‘band’ will allow you to see the % of students the results are relating to.



Seeing which students are on track to meet age-related expectations (ARE)

Go to Students > Assessments > Formative Tracking > On Track Students.

  • The Overview page shows the percentage of students who are on track to meet their end of year expectations for each subject that you have set expectations for.
  • The Over Time page shows how the percentage of students who are on track to meet ARE has changed over time.
  • The Statistics page allows you to create reports showing the percentage of students that are on track in different key groups.
Using the Overview page

Click on the filter bar to select specific subjects, choose the date you want to focus on, or just look at specific student groups (e.g. pupil premium, or year 4).



By clicking a chart you can view the breakdown by the curriculum, student group or individual student.


Using the Over Time page

Click on the filter bar to change the subjects or students being displayed. You can also choose to view on track or not on track and change the way the data is grouped. This is shown by different sets of lines on the graph.


Using the Statistics page

Click on the filter bar to change the filter and grouping settings. Apply groupings to change the rows in the table, for example, pupil premium vs not pupil premium.

The student group average shows the average for the students you have filtered to, whereas the school average shows the average for the whole school.


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  • For formative assessments, it would be so helpful for us to have a count up of the number of KPIs/Statement achieved

    Also, when we download the excel sheets any students with a surname e.g. 'De ****' appear at the bottom of the sheet though on the register they are with the Ds - is there a way to prevent this?

  • Hi Anne Marie, thanks for your comment!

    About the count up, this isn't possible in Arbor right now but is a good piece of product feedback. To submit this to our team for consideration, please comment on our roadmap here:

    For the names not showing in the right order, this is something we'd need to look into for you, so please get in touch via email, or fill in the support form at the top of the page.


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