End a staff member's employment to disable access

As soon as a staff member leaves the school, it is important that their access to Arbor is revoked. You can end a staff member’s employment contract, business roles and all of their academic enrolments in one go by clicking the End Staff Employment button.

  • If you select an end date in the future, the user will have access until that date.
  • If you select today's date, the user will have access until the end of the day.
  • If you select a day in the past, all access will be removed immediately.

For an extra level of security, you may also wish to disable their account


Just go to the Staff Profile by searching for their name in the search bar or using the Browse Staff page.

Click Contracts in the left-hand menu.



Click the grey End Staff Employment button in the top right. You can input the date of leaving, reasons for leaving and the destination. Then click Next



On the next slide over, you can review the end employment information, and see all the links to course and classes that will be removed. Please be aware that you will need to assign a new Course Lead to each class when this process is complete. The staff member's business roles and permissions will also be removed, meaning they will no longer be able to access your Arbor MIS.

If you are happy with this, click End Employment.




This process is not reversible, so please check everything carefully. Confirm that you are happy with ending this staff member's employment by clicking Confirm.



You will then see their contract period updated with the end date and leaving reasons.



These changes are also reflected in the Business Roles and Employment & Financial sections of the Profile.



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