Logging staff disability and impairments

The DfE collects information about your staff disability numbers in the Workforce census. Please note that it is not possible to report on this information using the Custom Report Writer.

Go to the Staff, scroll down to the Medical section and click +Add.



Select Add impairment.



Select the most suitable option from the drop-down menu. Enter any other details necessary, then click the green button.



To edit the impairment, just click on it.



You can then choose to pin this to the top of the staff profile.



The impairment categories available are: 

  • No disability
  • Not collected
  • Other disability/health problem
  • Problems with ASD/Aspergers
  • Problems with behaviour
  • Problems with communication
  • Problems with consciousness
  • Problems with eating & drinking
  • Problems with hand function
  • Problems with hearing
  • Problems with incontinence
  • Problems with learning
  • Problems with medication
  • Problems with mobility
  • Problems with palliative care needs
  • Problems with personal care
  • Problems with vision
  • Refused


How do we record staff as not having a disability?

If you don't log a disability, by default they will be output as 'NOBT' (information not yet obtained).

As such, it isn't possible to bulk set disabilities for staff. It's not possible to set disability as a yes or no in bulk and this has to be done from the staff member's profile.

If you do want to record the staff member as specifically not having a disability, follow the same process as above, but instead select 'No Disability'.



Once this is added, you'll be able to see it on the profile.


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