Can we set up notification triggers for staff absences?

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There is no built-in way to create an alert for staff absences in Arbor. However, you are able to create a custom report which flags which staff members have reached the trigger point. 

Click the link at the bottom of this article to download the report template. Do not open the template. You can then import it into your site by following these instructions: Importing a report

This template will show you current staff and their Arbor Staff ID, Staff Number and Number of Absences this academic year. If a staff member has 3 or more absences the Number of Absences column will highlight red. 

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 07.55.33.png


Once imported you can edit the report by clicking the grey Edit button. From here you can change the time frame and/or the number of instances which trigger the column to turn red. You can also add any columns you may require.

This report can then be shared for monitoring and periodically sent to you or other staff

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 07.56.12.png

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