Club and Trip consents and collection arrangements

When you're setting up a Club or Trip, you can choose to enable consent to be collected.

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This is collected when the parent makes the payment and signs up. You can see how this looks here:

If you want to collect consent at a different time, or ask for further details like a Collection Arrangement, you can set up a specific consent: See, add, send out or update Parental Consents

  • This would be done in the Consents area, a separate area for you and on the Parent Portal and Parent App than the clubs/trips areas.
  • Both sections will need to be maintained separately and the consent will not automatically update when a participant is added to the trip or club.

Remember to not tick the box to automatically request the consent from guardians, you'll want to only request consent for the students eligible for the trip. You will then use your 'Trips' section to monitor payments and 'Consents' to monitor parental consent.

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