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See, add, send out or update Parental Consents

On the Parental Consents page you can add a new parental consent and view, edit consents you have created, update and download consents. 

Once you've requested a consent from guardians, you can see how this looks here: Notices and consents


You will need the Consents: Administer All Students permission. If you don't have permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.



Club and Trip consents

Please see our guidance on this topic here: Club and Trip consents and collection arrangements


Adding A New Parental Consent

Go to Students > Parents and Guardians > Parental consents. Here you will see a list of out-of-the-box consents Arbor have provided for you.

Important note: If you would like to add consents, do not edit the names of the out-of-the-box consents. When we run updates, changes to these consent names can sometimes be reverted. Instead, we advise adding additional consents.


To add a new consent, click Add New Consent Type on the right-hand side of the page.



A slide-over will appear, allowing you to insert details for the new consent setup.

  • Consent Type - This is the Parent Consent Form's Title
  • Description - This wording is shared with the parent/guardian when they received the consent form.
  • Automatically Request from Guardian? -  If the user leaves this option unticked, they will have to manually select which parent will receive the consent form.



Selecting this option will automatically make the consent visible to every guardian to approve on the Parent Portal or in the Parent App. You can see how this looks here: Notices and consents



Updating, Declining and Confirming Consents

Please note that you cannot record consents in bulk for multiple consents at a time. You would instead need to click into a single consent, and then use the Bulk Action button within it.

Clicking on the consent form will lead you to an overview page.

The top section gives you a breakdown of Consent Details which can be edited by clicking on the consent name.



If you have chosen to specifically request consents from certain guardians, select these guardians by clicking +Add.



A slide-over will appear with the option to add an individual student, registration form, year group, or custom group. Once the relevant students have been selected click the Request Consent button. This will send a pending request to the parent/guardian of that pupil.



To Confirm or Decline Consent Forms, click the student's name, a slide-over will appear for you to select the relevant information including who confirmed or declined the consent and the consent status. 



You can also bulk update consent form statuses or request the consent again by selecting multiple students and using the bulk actions.

Please be aware that requesting consent again will remove the previous status of "Declined" or "Consented" and set the status back to pending. 



 Recording consents without the Parent Portal

If your school does not use the Parent Portal, you can still record consents in Arbor manually. 

When you have clicked into a consent, click the +Add button to add groups of students or individual students.

Once you have added the students, you can then tick the boxes next to the student's names, click Bulk Action, and then mark the students' consents as Confirmed or Declined. If you click Request Again when the Parent Portal is not activated, guardians will not receive any notification regarding the consent.

Please note that this can only be done one consent at a time, and you cannot approve or reject multiple consents at once.

Reporting on consents

You can download a full list of responses for the consent in question from the consents page.

If you want to report on all consents (excluding notes) , you can follow these instructions: Download a consent report


Student Consent

Students over 16 are able to provide their own consent for the use of their photographs and more, so now you can also record that consent in the system. Just go to a student profile and click View > Consents (or scroll down), and you can now use the green plus icon in the top right to add consents from students as well as guardians and upload any attachments as proof.

Please be advised these consents will need to be confirmed manually by a staff member, they will not be visible on the parent portal for students to give consent themselves.


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  • Is it possible to easily email or sms a selection of parents or students from the consent list? If not, would it be possible to add this option to the pencil drop down like with other student lists in Arbor?

    Many thanks for your help. 

  • Hi Andy, it isn't possible to send email or SMS directly from this table. 

    To submit this idea to our product team, please follow the instructions here:


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