Entity Importer to import a spreadsheet of data into MAT MIS

The Entity Importer allows users to import spreadsheets of data into MAT MIS, available only in the latest packages. Users need specific permissions to access the importer, which involves downloading a template, filling it out according to strict formatting rules, and then uploading it. The article details the steps for using the importer, the required data formats, and the rules for various templates such as Pay Scale, Staff, and Absence. It also addresses FAQs regarding data overrides and import order.

Our Entity importer can be used to import spreadsheets of data into your MAT MIS.

Entity Importer for MAT MIS is included in our newest packages only, and is not available on our Legacy package.

Want to upgrade or find out what package you’re on? Just get in contact customersales@arbor-education.com 


You'll need the Group: Data: Import permission to complete the process below. This permission has been added by default to these business roles:

  • Business Manager
  • CEO
  • Data Manager
  • HR Administrator
  • IT Manager

If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


How to use the importer

Go to Administration > Entity Import. Here you can see all the datasets you can import.

We recommend working through the list from top to bottom in order. However if you don't want to import certain data you can skip a section, unless the next step requires data from a previous step.

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Clicking the name of one of the entity importers takes you to the Entity Importer page, where you can see any previous imports. You can click on these to view more information for successful imports, or to remove un unsuccessful import.

Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 11.45.40.png


Using the importer

Step 1 - Download and open the template

Click the green button to download the spreadsheet. It includes columns where you can place the information.

Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 11.47.35.png

Step 2 - Fill in the template

The spreadsheet includes columns where you can place the information.

Different columns require data to be in different formats. These include:

  • select from a drop-down menu of options (so you can't paste in the information)
  • numerical format only (for example 01/01/2001) and letters are not allowed
  • mandatory fields which must be filled out

You can see a full list of the requirements for each file in the Entity Importer rules section below.

Step 3 - Import the template

Click Browse to select your XLS file from your computer, then click Upload.

Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 11.48.11.png


  • On the next page, you can either delete the import, or click Import if you have checked the data and are happy to import it.
  • If there are issues with the data, you can fix them from here by clicking on the field highlighted in red. 

You'll then see the completed import. You can click it to access the imported data.

Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 11.48.48.png



Entity Importer rules

Different columns require data to be in different formats. These include:

  • select from a drop-down menu of options (so you can't paste in the information)
  • numerical format only (for example 01/01/2001) and letters are not allowed
  • mandatory fields which must be filled out
Pay Scale template
  • Pay Scale Name: mandatory
  • Pay Range: must use drop down
Pay Scale Spinal Point template

Please note that to use the Pay scale field, you need to have first set these up in your site by either:

Data items:

  • Pay Scale: must use drop down
  • Gross Salary: mandatory
Staff template
  • Title: must use drop down
  • Legal first name: mandatory
  • Legal surname: mandatory
  • National insurance: mandatory
  • Preferred first name
  • Preferred surname
  • Sex: must use drop down
  • Date of birth: must use numerical format
  • Ethnicity: must use drop down
  • Religion: must use drop down
  • Staff number
  • Timetable abbreviation
  • Business role: must use drop down
  • Mobile number
  • Home number
  • Email address
  • Address line 1
  • Address line 2
  • Town
  • Postcode
  • Country: must use drop down
Staff absence
  • Legal first name
  • Legal surname
  • National insurance: mandatory
  • Start date and time: mandatory, must use numerical format (for example 01/01/2022 10:00)
  • End date and time: must use numerical format (for example 01/01/2022 10:00)
  • Actual working hours - Top Tip: This is the number of working hours lost as a result of the absence.
  • Staff absence category: mandatory. must use drop down
  • Sickness category: must use drop down
  • Sickness subcategory: must relate to the sickness category
  • Narrative
Staff check
  • Legal first name
  • Legal surname
  • National insurance: mandatory
  • Check type: must use drop down
  • Check level: must use drop down
  • Number
  • Check date: must use numerical format
Staff contract 

Please note that to use the Pay scale and Pay scale spinal point fields, you need to have first set these up in your site by either:

For certain things in the list below you can have multiple instances. In this case, you'll need to import the first, then add the rest manually. You can see how to add these in manually here: Adding a contract for a staff member

Data items:

  • Legal first name
  • Legal surname
  • National insurance: mandatory
  • Staff employment type: must use drop down
  • Start date: must use numerical format
  • End date: must use numerical format
  • Staff leaving reason: must use drop down
  • Staff destination: must use drop down
  • Superannuation scheme: must use drop down
  • Contract reference
  • Payroll number
  • Staff origin: must use drop down
  • Last pay review date: must use numerical format
  • Contract post job title
  • Contract post position: must use drop down
  • Contract post start date: must use numerical format
  • Contract post end date: must use numerical format
  • Pay scale: must use drop down
  • Pay scale spinal point: must use drop down
  • Custom FTE salary amount
  • Actual hours per week - Top Tip: This is the number of hours the staff member works per week.
  • FTE hours per week
  • Actual weeks per year - Top Tip: This is the number of hours the staff member works per year.
  • FTE weeks per year
  • Linked allowance: must use drop down
  • Allowance effective date: must use numerical format
  • Allowance end date: must use numerical format
  • Gross allowance amount
  • Additional payment reason: must use drop down
  • Additional payment amount
  • Additional payment date: must use numerical format
Staff next of kin
  • Legal first name
  • Legal surname
  • National insurance number for staff member: mandatory
  • Next of kin title: must use drop down
  • Next of kin legal first name: mandatory
  • Next of kin legal surname: mandatory
  • Next of kin sex: must use drop down
  • Next of kin mobile number
  • Next of kin home number
  • Next of kin work number
  • Next of kin email address
  • Next of kin address line 1
  • Next of kin address line 2
  • Next of kin town
  • Next of kin country: must use drop down
  • Next of kin postcode
  • Next of kin relationship: must use drop down
Staff qualification
  • Legal first name
  • Legal surname
  • National insurance number: mandatory
  • Qualification name
  • Qualification type: must use drop down
  • Qualification class: must use drop down
  • 1st subject: must use drop down
  • 2nd subject: must use drop down
  • Date awarded: must use numerical format
Staff vehicle
  • Legal first name
  • Legal surname
  • National insurance number: mandatory
  • Vehicle type: mandatory. must use drop down
  • Car make: must use drop down
  • Model
  • Colour
  • Car registration number
  • Parking allocation provided: must use drop down



Will the importer override any information?

No, the information will be added. This is why we recommend checking the existing data to prevent duplicates.

Does it matter which order we upload?

We recommend working through the list from top to bottom in order. However if you don't want to import certain data you can skip a section.

There are certain items, such as Contracts and Pay Scales where it is vital that the steps are completed in order. For example, users must import or create Pay Scales before they can import Spinal Points, before they can import Staff Contracts.

When do we need to download the template again?

If you've changed the data in your Arbor site relating to the area you're uploading into, we recommend downloading a new template.

For example, each time you import or create new pay scales, the Pay Scale dropdown in the Pay Scale Spinal Point and Staff Contracts templates are updated. This means you would need to download and fill in a fresh template if you recently imported or created new Pay Scales.

Can I import a School Entity Import into MAT MIS or vice versa?

MAT Entity imports can only be imported into MAT MIS. 

School Entity imports can only be imported into School MIS. 

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