Can we change the dates that a payment top up invoice was made or refunded?

This article explains that payment or refund dates for card transactions cannot be changed, nor can dates for cash or check transactions related to specific school items. However, users can change the dates for top-up accounts by editing them in the Payments section of the student's profile.

It is not possible to change payment or refund dates for payments made via card.

It is not possible to change invoice or refund dates for payments logged via cash or check for School Shop items, Trips, Standard Clubs or Wraparound Care Clubs.

You can change the dates recorded for a top-up account.

Change cash or cheque top up date

  1. Go to the Payments section of the student's profile and select the account.
  2. Go to Top-Ups from the left-hand menu and click on the top up.
  3. Click Edit and change the date.

Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 11.25.34.png


You can also do this by clicking on the top up in School > Payments > Accounts > Top-Ups and clicking Edit.

Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 11.24.12.png


Change cash or cheque refund date

  1. Go to the Payments section of the student's profile and select the account.
  2. Go to Refunds from the left-hand menu and click on the refund.
  3. Change the date.

Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 11.26.42.png

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