Exam Results Administration in Arbor

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The Results Administration section of Arbor allows users to import results, input marks manually, and analyse your exam results. This article details what each page in Students > Examinations > Results Administration offers.

Results Import

This page is where you can import your results file from the exam board. You can also see a history of past imports from the current or previous academic years.

EDI Manual Entry

The EDI Manual Entry page lists your EDI qualifications, letting you click into the relevant qualifications, and then select the Learning Units to input marks for.

Non-EDI Manual Entry

The non-EDI Manual Entry page is identical to the EDI Manual Entry page and allows you to input the marks for your non-EDI qualifications. Click the relevant qualification in the list, and then input your marks in the Learning Units.

By Subject

The By Subject page shows you a breakdown of a student's results by subject. You can amend the filter at the top of the page to amend the search dates, groups of students included in the report, and what student information is shown e.g. student ID, name, year group, etc.

Per Qualification

Per Qualification shows your results by their qualifications. You can amend the filter at the top of the page to filter the results here by awarding organisation, category, etc.

Raw Results

Raw Results shows you all results information for your candidates.

You can click on a line in the table of results to go to the Examinations section of the student's profile and see a list of their exam results.

Statement of Results

This page is where you get the Statement of Results in Arbor. You can download statements for groups of students or for individual internal and/or external candidates.

Generate Demo Results File

Here, you can create an example results file for different qualifications and awards. You can input different organisations, awards, and series' to see what the Results file should look like.

Forecast Grades

The Forecast Grades area of Results Administration was used to measure results during the 2020/2021 academic year when exam series' for that year were cancelled due to Covid. This page is not required for any current reporting, but it remains in place for legacy reporting.


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