Add or import exam results into Arbor

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This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to add or import exam results into Arbor, including steps for importing EDI and XML result files, manually entering non-EDI results, and handling coursework marks. It also covers permissions required, troubleshooting errors during import, and setting embargo dates for result visibility.

Before Results Day check the A2C Migration Application is working to ensure EDI result files can be downloaded.

  • EDI result files or XML files sent by awarding organisations must be downloaded via the A2C Migration Application, and then imported into Arbor. We recommend choosing one to import, otherwise the results will show twice on Statements of Results.
  • Results can also be manually added for non-EDI qualifications.
  • For BTECs, Pearson will not issue your results file unless you have already completed the steps outlined in this article. Although you can add the results manually, we recommend contacting Pearson for your entries file, and we'll import this for you as soon as we can to enable you to import your results file.
  • For Cambridge Technicals, you'll need to edit the results file to be able to import it into your Summer series. Follow the instructions from the Take a copy of the results file section onwards in OCR's article (skipping the first section as we have already imported the basedata for you). Please note that the file will likely be in your Downloads folder, unless you have changed the target folder for your downloads.

As A2C has no direct link to Arbor Exams, we won't be able to advise on the downloading of results files via A2C. Please see their website here for their guidance.


You'll need the Qualifications: Administer All Students permission to add exam results into Arbor. If you don't have permissions, ask your administration team to give you permission using these instructions

Adding Results into Arbor

Importing EDI results files

EDI results files contain information about the students' overall grade awarded for the award. The file will start with the letter R followed by some numbers and end with .X01.

To import your downloaded EDI results file go to Students > Examinations > Results Administration > Results Import. Then click on +Add to import a file, this will display a prompt to choose your file.


Click Browse to choose your file and then click Import.

You should also set the embargo date and time, which will determine when results will be available on the Parent App or Parent Portal and Student Portal. This will default to 8am tomorrow, but can be changed. You can see more details about setting embargo dates here.

Screenshot 2023-08-10 at 09.45.19.png

Top Tip: You can't import a file with the same name twice - please contact the Awarding Organisation if they have given you a file with the same name.

Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 11.33.09.png

The results will then be added. You'll need to refresh your page until the Embargo setup column changes from Incomplete to Complete.

You can see the Results Count number increase until you've got the full amount.

Screenshot 2023-08-10 at 09.47.34.png

You can click on the import to view more details, or change the embargo settings. You can see more details about setting embargo dates here.

Screenshot 2023-08-10 at 09.47.39.png

If you click the file name, you can see the results imported and see further details about the errors



Follow the onscreen instructions carefully to resolve any errors before proceeding. Follow the instructions in the What are the errors we can get when importing? section at the bottom of this article.

If you've fixed the errors, you may wish to import the file again. Just click the Reverse results import button at the bottom of the page.


Once you confirm the deletion you'll be taken back to the Results Import page where you can reimport the corrected file.


Importing XML results files for EDI exams

XML results files contain contain the overall grades and the score for each assessable. These will have the file format: a2c.CCCCC.AB.EDIResults.GUID.xml.

To import your downloaded EDI results file go to Students > Examinations > Results Administration > Results Import. Then click on +Add to import a file, this will display a prompt to choose your file.


Click Browse to choose your file and then click Import.

You should also set the embargo date and time, which will determine when results will be available on the Parent App or Parent Portal and Student Portal. This will default to 8am tomorrow, but can be changed. You can see more details about setting embargo dates here.

Screenshot 2023-08-10 at 09.45.19.png

The results will then be added. You'll need to refresh your page until the Embargo setup column changes from Incomplete to Complete.

You can see the Results Count number increase until you've got the full amount.

Screenshot 2023-08-10 at 09.47.34.png

You can click on the import to view more details, or change the embargo settings. You can see more details about setting embargo dates here.

Screenshot 2023-08-10 at 09.47.39.png

If you click the file name, you can see the results imported and see further details about the errors.



Follow the onscreen instructions carefully to resolve any errors before proceeding. Follow the instructions in the What are the errors we can get when importing? section at the bottom of this article.

If you've fixed the errors, you may wish to import the file again. Just click the Reverse results import button at the bottom of the page.


Once you confirm the deletion you'll be taken back to the Results Import page where you can reimport the corrected file.


Entering Non-EDI results manually

To input your Non-EDI results go to Students > Examinations > Results Administration > Non-EDI Manual Entry.


Click on the qualification you want to enter results for.



If the qualification is Non-EDI, here you can choose to add an Aspect to the subject in bulk or for each individual learning unit. Click +Add and choose a relevant gradeset.


In the slide over, select the grade set to preview the available grades, then choose your numerical mark settings and the dates that should apply. Then click Add Aspect.


Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 11.28.19.png

Click the learning unit to add a grade to a unit, or click the award to add a grade to the award.


Add your Embargo date by clicking on the Embargo row and adding a date and time. You can see more details about setting embargo dates here.


You can then enter results for the candidates by clicking in the drop-down and choosing the correct option, or you can paste in the values from an external sheet.


Entering EDI results for entries not made in Arbor

If you need to enter results for students who weren't entered in Arbor (such as if they were entered in Edexcel Online only), you can add results manually.

Please note you should not use this process if students took exams at another centre, as students should not be entered at multiple sites - use the drop-down option below instead.

Before you complete the process below, make sure you have:

Then, to input EDI results manually, go to Students > Examinations > Results Administration > EDI Manual Entry. Click on the qualification you want to enter results for.


Click on the qualification you want to enter results for. If the qualification is EDI, we will have applied the Aspect automatically and this cannot be changed.


Click the learning unit to add a grade to a unit, or click the award to add a grade to the award.


Add your Embargo date by clicking on the Embargo row and adding a date and time. You can see more details about setting embargo dates here.


You can then enter results for the candidates by clicking in the drop-down and choosing the correct option, or you can paste in the values from an external sheet.


Entering coursework marks

Some exams have a coursework element (sometimes known as Non-exam assessment or NEAs) that makes up one (or more) units (pieces) of the course towards the student's qualification.  

Where this unit makes up part of an exam it will appear here Students > Examinations > Coursework > Overview. Here you will see all the assessables that require coursework marks to be entered.

In the final column, you can see the number of candidates that are entered for the coursework exam and have had their final coursework marks recorded.


Click the exam to enter the candidate grades. Candidates should already be linked to the exam by this stage.

  • Click the field that is missing a mark to select it.
  • You can also bulk assign marks by selecting the students and clicking the Bulk action button to Bulk Assign marks. You can then select a grade in the slide over.
  • Click the Download button to print the list if needed.


Once you have entered all coursework marks, go to Coursework > EDI Exports > Coursework marks to generate your Coursework Mark EDI file to submit to the correct Awarding Organisation.


Click +Add to generate a new file. Select the Awarding Organisation and the Exam series to export results for.


When the file has finished generating you will receive a notification. Click the notification to download the file to submit to the correct Awarding Organisation.


Entering results for students who took exams at another centre

If you need to enter results for students who weren't entered in Arbor (such as if they took the exam at another school), you can add results manually. You can see how to do this here: Add results for students who took exams at another centre

Please note you should not use this process if students took the exams at your school - use the other manual option listed above instead. 

What's next?

Now you've got your results into Arbor, you can:


Why can I not input results for my exam?

The effective dates of the Aspect for awards and units must cover the date of the exam instances. To check this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Students > Examinations > Results Administration.
  2. Go to either EDI Manual Entry or Non-EDI Manual Entry.
  3. Click into the award.
  4. Click into the Aspect and click Edit.
  5. Amend the effective and end dates for the Aspect so that they cover the dates that the exams took place.
  6. Click Save Changes.

Should we import our XML or EDI results file for our EDI exams?

You can choose which you want to import. EDI results files only contain the overall grades for the award, whereas the XML results files contain the overall grades and the score for each assessable.

If you're having trouble with one type, you can import the other. However, we don't recommend importing both, because the results will be duplicated on the Statements of ResultsYou would need to reverse the results import (shown in the next FAQ below) for one file, then import the other file to swap them over.

Can I delete or reverse an EDI results import?

Yes! If you need to delete an import and reimport it go to Students > Examinations > Results Administration > Results Import. Click the import then click the Reverse results import button at the bottom of the page.

Once you confirm the deletion you'll be taken back to the Results Import page where you can reimport the corrected file.

Can I import results from an EDI file if I did not make the entries in Arbor?

Yes! You will see a note on the Imported Results window but you do not need to take any further action

I can't import the results file?

Please follow the steps here: Why can't I import my exam results file?

Where is my results file?

If you’ve already downloaded your results from the A2C website you’ll need to locate the file - it is usually in a folder called 'Downloads' but your IT department may have changed your download destination folder, please contact them for help. If you’ve not yet downloaded your file please go to the A2C website and log in to get it.

Why do I need to set an Embargo date?

This should follow your school policy for viewing exam results before results day. Adding an embargo date will prevent people from viewing the results before they are officially released - you can see more details on this here.

Is it possible to import results for Non-EDI exams using a spreadsheet?

No, it is currently only possible to input results manually.

Can we change the Aspect grade set used for manual results entry?

For Non-EDI qualifications, you can click on the aspect to change it to a different one. You can see how to do this here: Change or add a new Non-EDI Aspect Gradeset

We are not able to add additional aspects, as this list has come from the JCQ.

If the qualification is an EDI qualification, you cannot change the Aspect. We will have automatically applied the most suitable aspect based on the basedata.


What are the errors we can get when importing?

There are 4 different errors you could receive when importing exam results, shown below.

  • Error 1 -  You can get this error if the candidate has results but isn’t entered on Arbor and the qualification doesn’t exist. If the file is for a Pearson BTEC, please delete the file, and import your centre-specific basedata. Once done you can import the results file again. For other qualifications, please contact the Arbor Support Team and reference code 1040 if supported by Arbor, or your Support Partner if not supported by Arbor.
  • Error 2 - You'll get this error if the candidate doesn’t have an entry but the qualification exists on Arbor. No action is required. However, you can make the entries in Arbor if you wish to tidy up this data.
  • Error 3 - Contact the Arbor Support Team and reference code 1040 if supported by Arbor, or your Support Partner if not supported by Arbor.
  • Error 4 - Change the student's UCI in Arbor to match that in the file, reverse the import, change the student's UCI in Arbor to match that in the file, then add the file again.


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