Setting embargo dates for exams

Who can view the results before the embargo?

Embargo settings ensure only the right people can see student exam results before they are officially released.

Go to Students > Examinations > Administration > Results Embargo settings.

Here you can select who can see exam results before the embargo date and time. 



This list by default contains the Exams Officer, but you can add additional people if needed by clicking '+Add'.



Setting Embargo dates and times

Embargo dates must be set individually for each qualification when you add the results, or all staff in your school will be able to see the results early. See how to add results here.

  • When importing a results file, you set the date and time during the file import.
  • When adding results manually, you must set the embargo in the same place where you add the results.

If you need to set or edit the embargo, go to the results page and click the embargo settings row.




Do I have to set the embargo for every set of results?

Yes. The embargo date must be set for each import of results. So if you have two imports for Pearson you'd need to set an embargo for each one.


Who can view the results after the embargo?

Once the embargo date and time have passed, results will be viewable to other staff members via candidate/student profiles under Examinations > Statement of Provisional Results.

If you use the Parent Portal or Student Portal, once the embargo has passed they can be viewed and downloaded from here:

Extending the Embargo for the Parent Portal

If you don't want guardians to be able to see statements of results once the embargo date and time has passed, you can turn off the Exams setting on the Parent Portal Settings page, then switch it back on whenever you would like to share the results with parents.

There is no way to do this for the Student Portal - results will be visible as soon as the embargo has passed.



How does the embargo work with analysis systems outside of Arbor?

You can see how to export or integrate your exam results here: Exporting your examination results for analysis outside of Arbor

  • You can choose whether to apply Arbor embargo to the data synced to 4Matrix, or to have all data pull through.
  • Results must be exported manually into SISRA and AlPS Connect, so the Embargo only applies to who can access the data in Arbor.
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