What does Mobile (Y5 & Y6) and Mobile (Y10 & Y11) mean?

You will find a list of your Mobile (Y5 & Y6) and Mobile (Y10 & Y11) students in Arbor - this is a list of students who joined your school at a vital time in their school life.

  • Mobile Y5 & Y6 relate to the end of Primary School and SATs they take in Year 6 - They are marked as mobile if they start their school enrolment after the first week of term in Year 5 or they start their school enrolment in Year 6.
  • Mobile Y10 & Y11 relate to the end of Secondary School and GCSEs they take in Year 10 and 11 - They are marked as mobile if they start their school enrolment after the first week of term in Year 10, or they start their school enrolment in Year 11.

Demographics report

Go to Students > Demographics > Derived Indicators and select Educational Needs.



Click into the filters to select Mobile.

You can also choose to chow the inverse of the demographic - in this example it would show you everyone who is not this mobile.



You can see a list of students, including their name, year groups, registration form and the dates the start and stop being this demographic.

You can download the table, or click on a student to see more details, or jump to their profile.



Reporting in other areas

You can track this Demographic in Assessment Analysis, Attendance Analysis, and anywhere you can add 'Students who are' in the filters of different pages in Arbor. Here is an example of using this group on our Attendance Statistics page.



Custom Report Writer

You can see how to report on year groups on entry: Year started in report

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