Student Profile - Basics FAQ

This article covers the common questions relating to student profiles. For more information on the student profile, see our dedicated section of the Help Centre on this topic here.

How can I find a student's profile?

To locate student profiles, you can use the following:

  • Use the search box at the top-right of Arbor to locate students. The results in the dropdown box only show enrolled students, press Enter to see the full list that includes unenrolled students.
  • Go to Students > All Students > Browse Students.

How do I download information from a student's profile?

Most information can be downloaded from a student profile into a PDF. To do this, follow these steps:

On the student profile, click on Download/Print at the right side of the page.

Tick the boxes of the information that you want in the download file.

Click the green Download Student Profile button to download the PDF file.

How do I print Behaviour logs for previous academic years?

When downloading a student's profile, you will only get behavioural information for the current academic year. To get previous years' data, follow these steps:

On the student's profile, click on Behaviour on the left side of the page.

Amend the green date filter above the tabs on this page to the preferred date range.

Click on a tab that you want to gather information for e.g. House Points or Detentions.

Click the Download button at the top-right of the table.

How does the Next/Previous Student button work?

When viewing a student profile you will see a Next Student and a Previous Student button at the top-right of the page. 

Selecting either option will take you to the next student in the same registration form as the current student that you are viewing. Once you reach the last student profile for that registration form, you will be brought back to the first student that you were viewing.

How do I add a Language to a student profile?

You can add a language in the Language Abilities section of the student's profile. Click the green +Add button to input the student's Language Ability and/or English Proficiency

How do I change a student's Date of Birth or record a student as deceased?

To change the Date of Birth for a student, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Identity section in the student profile and click Date of Birth.
  2. Click the orange Edit button. 
  3. Click the calendar icon to bring up the dates. Change the date to the correct date of birth, then click Save Changes

To mark a student as deceased, click the Mark as deceased button when you click on the Date of Birth field.

How do I add a birth certificate to a student's profile?

To add a birth certificate to a student's profile, follow these steps:

  1. On the student profile, click the +Add button in the Identity section of the profile.
  2. Select Identification Document.
  3. Select Birth Certificate from the Type drop-down menu.
  4. Fill in the other necessary details then click Add document.

This will then create a new Birth Certificate field in the Identity section. Click into this field and then either drag your document into the Attachments field or use the click to upload button to upload the file.

Can I pin a Pastoral Note for a single day?

Yes, it is possible to add a Pastoral Note and have it pinned on a student's profile for a single day. When adding a new Pastoral Note, enter the date that you are adding the note in the Pinned Note Expiry Date field. This will keep the note pinned until midnight.

Can I update pastoral notes in bulk?

No, it is not possible to update pastoral notes in bulk. Pastoral notes need to be updated on a per-profile basis.


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