For reference - Covid testing for students through the Parent Portal and Parent App

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To help you manage Covid testing at your school, guardians can record Covid testing results through the Parent Portal and Parent App. They can record test types, barcodes, result times, outcomes and notes.

  • Guardians can’t see previous records or edit the tests, so let guardians know they’ll need to contact your school to make any changes.
  • Test results do not come through as a pending record change or alert on your homepage, so you may still want to ask guardians to get in touch with you if there's a positive test.

This feature is off by default, but you can switch this feature on by following the instructions below.

Not using Parent Portal yet?

There are a few steps that must be taken to ensure it functions for all users in the way you want it to. Click here to see how to switch on the Parent Portal and Parent App.


Switching the feature on

Go to Students > Parents & Guardians > Parent Portal Settings. Scroll down to the Student Details section and click the Covid Test Results field.



Change this setting to Yes, then click Save Changes.



How guardians can log test results

Important note

Guardians can’t see previous records or edit the test results after they've been logged, so you'll need to contact your school if you need to make any changes.

On the Parent Portal

If you have more than one child at the school, first select which child you want to record the test for using the drop-down menu at the top left of your page. 

Then click the View Student Profile button to go to their profile.




Click Add information and select Add Covid-19 Test Result.



Add the date and time the test was taken, the test type, the barcode, the result and add any notes, then click Save

In the background, the student you selected will have the test results recorded with the guardian recording the results set as the administrator.



On the Parent App

Go to their profile and click Add information and select Add Covid-19 Test Result.




Add the date and time the test was taken, the test type, the barcode, the result and add any notes, then click Save

In the background, the student you selected will have the test results recorded with the guardian recording the results set as the administrator.




Viewing recorded tests from parents on the school side

Whether you have Parent Portal set to auto-accept record changes or not, you'll be able to see the logged tests right away. They will not come through as a pending record change, so you won't get an alert on your homepage.

You may still want to ask guardians to get in touch with you if there's a positive test through your default email address shown in School > School details (see how to import emails here). You can then monitor incoming emails in School > Communications > All School > Communications > Imported Email.



You can view tests that guardians have logged from the same place you can log tests for students, from Students > Medical > Covid-19 Student Test Register. For more information on this page, see this article

Clicking into a recorded test allows you to see and edit any details. Note that the administrator has been set to the guardian who logged the test.


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  • Hello, this is great, thank you! However, there is no formatting in the time field. If you just type 11 for instance, hit save it says there is a problem but doesn't say what the problem is so parents won't have a clue what to amend as it also doesn't highlight which field has the error. Could either a red box highlight the field or could you format the time field or add the format requirement to the error message asap please? Thank you!

  • Hi Kate, you can use 9:04 or 09:04 as time formats on both the app and parent portal, but there does need to be a : used.

    I'm afraid due to constraints with the app, it isn't possible to add a more specific validation error here. Please get in touch with your guardians to let them know the proper formatting if you believe they might be confused.

  • Hi,

    We're having quite a few issues with results not being able to be submitted.  I think it's the issue with the time formatting.  Is it possible to change it to just ask for the hour, like the site does?




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