For Reference - Managing Covid testing for students and staff

Not yet followed by anyone

Schools can log testing for students and staff when required. You can find more information from the DfE here.

  • Schools can record testing for students and staff using the instructions below.
  • Guardians can record results for students through the Parent Portal or Parent App - you can see how to use this feature here.
  • Students cannot record their own results through the Student Portal.

Setting up testers and administrators 

To carry out the tests at your school, you may need to add new members of staff, update staff permissions or add checks. 

Creating new members of staff

If you have additional staff joining the school to help carry out the asymptomatic tests, you'll need to set up the new members of staff on your Arbor site - click here for guidance.

You may wish to give them a distinct business role from the ones you already use in Arbor. You can use an alias to rename one of the business roles currently not in use - check which roles are not in use from School > Users & Security.

Adding checks to staff members

As you may have new members of staff carrying out tests at your school, you may need to add checks such as DBS. You can find how to add these to staff members here.

Helping staff login for the first time

You can find information that you can share with the new staff members here on logging in for the first time.

Permissions required to manage testing

Staff will need to have these permissions to see or administer the testing areas:

  • Staff: HR Policy - Add checks for staff
  • Medical: Administer All Students - Record, edit and delete tests for students
  • Medical: View All Students - See planned and recorded tests for students
  • All Staff: Basic HR Administration - Record, edit and delete tests for staff
  • All Staff: View Basic HR Details - See planned and recorded tests for staff
  • School: Action: Custom Group: View/Administer - Add students or staff to the custom groups

If you need to give staff access to additional areas of Arbor not covered by their business role, you can see how to give them extra permissions here



Recording consents

Student consents

The DfE has created guidance on gathering consents from students for testing that include a consent template that you can find here.

Consents can be updated in Arbor by parents through the Parent Portal or Parent App if you use it, or by schools manually:

  • Students under 16 - consent must be gathered from the parent/guardian. You can use the Parent Portal or Parent App to gather consents or another method outside of Arbor such as a Google form.
  • Students 16 and over - students can consent themselves, having discussed participation with their parent/guardian if under 18. You would need to use a method outside of Arbor to request consent from students and not their guardians, but you can send them the link to e.g. a Google form in an email through Arbor. You can update this consent through the Parents & Guardians > Parental Consents area or through the Student Consents area.
Collecting consents via the Parent Portal or Parent App

To use our out-of-the-box consent, go to Students > Parents and Guardians > Parental Consents and select the COVID-19 Testing - consented by guardian consent. 

You can amend the description of the consent if you wish for parents to read.

  • To automatically request the consent through the Parent Portal or Parent App for all students' guardians, make sure you tick the Automatically request from guardians box. 
  • If you only want to request it from some students' guardians (such as for all student except those over 16), leave this box unticked.



Automatically requesting the consent

If you ticked the box, your consent will now show on the Parent Portal or Parent App. We recommend sending an email or in-app message to let guardians know that they need to consent.



Manually requesting the consent

To manually request consents from only certain guardians through the Parent Portal, click +Add on the Consents for students enrolled in 2020/2021 table.

Once you've sent out the consent form, you'll need to manually update the consents as you receive them. You can update them in bulk by selecting the tick boxes next to the student's name then using the Bulk actions.


Manually collecting and updating consents if you don't use the Parent Portal or Parent App

To use our out-of-the-box consent, go to Students > Parents and Guardians > Parental Consents and select the COVID-19 Testing - consented by guardian consent. 

Click +Add on the Consents for students enrolled in 2020/2021 table. Select all students. 

Once you've sent out the consent form, you'll need to manually update the consents as you receive them. You can update them in bulk by selecting the tick boxes next to the student's name then using the Bulk actions.


Consents for students who are 16+

For students 16+, you can add whether they have consented from Students > All Students > Consents - select the COVID-19 Testing - consented by student consent. 

Click +Add on the Consents for students enrolled in 2020/2021 table to select your students to add consents for.

Once you've sent out the consent form, you'll need to manually update the consents as you receive them. You can update them in bulk by selecting the tick boxes next to the student's name then using the Bulk actions.



Staff consents

Adding staff consents

Go to School > All Staff > HR Admin > Checks > Review and select the COVID-19 Testing - consented by staff check in the drop-down menu.  

Tick the staff to add the consent for, then click the Bulk action button to add the consent details. 



If you click an individual staff member's consent, you can choose to pin this to the top of their profile.





Recording test results

Top Tip: Recording new tests and results doesn't override the existing ones already recorded. To view all tests someone has had, Download the table to Excel.

How staff can record their own tests

Recording my Covid-19 tests

Top Tip: Try switching to Desktop mode if you need to record results using a phone.



All staff can see, edit and record any tests for themselves only from My Items > My Covid-19 Tests.

To record a test and results, click Add test and fill in the details in the slide over.



Any tests you record on this page will then be viewable by your administrators on the School > All Staff > Bulk Update > Covid-19 Staff Test Register page.

To edit or delete a test, select the test.




Recording tests for students and staff

If you have the right permissions (see the Permissions required to manage testing section at the top of this article), you can use our new testing pages to plan which groups of staff or students will be having a test, to record which tests they were given and when, and the outcome of the testing .

We have created this functionality to allow schools to track the mass testing of students and staff without any symptoms for Covid-19 and also to track the test of students who have been in contact with a student who has tested positively for Covid-19.  

Recording testing and results for students

Recording serial contact testing for students

To add a week of planned tests for students, go to Students > Medical > Covid-19 Planned Student Tests. Here you can see any student tests that are planned for today, but you can change the filters to look between different dates, at a particular student group, or at only students who have consented. When downloading the table, you can also see the student's date of birth and contact telephone number.

To plan a test for a student, click the Add students button. 

When you click the button, you will be taken to the overview for a custom group. We have created this custom group for you to enable us to manage the students who require testing.

Click +Add to add students in for testing. The start and end dates of the student enrolled in the custom group determine when the students will appear on the Covid-19 Planned Student Tests page, so be sure to enrol them in the custom group with the date range they should be tested for.



When you return to the Students > Medical > Covid-19 Planned Student Tests page, you can see the students that need testing today.

To record test results, just select the students and click the Bulk action button to select Add student test results.

You can either add in all the details straight from here (apart from the bar code as this would be different for each test), or add them in later.

Click a student's test to add details in later on.



From the Students > Medical > Covid-19 Student Test Register page you can see all the tests for today, or over a date range, and update any tests individually or in bulk.   


Recording mass asymptomatic testing for students

Go to Students > Medical > Covid-19 Student Test Register. Click the Add student tests button.

Click a student's test or use the bulk actions to add details in later on. When downloading the table, you can also see the student's date of birth and contact telephone number.



In the slide over, you can select groups of students to add tests for. You can either add in all the information in the slide over (apart from the bar code as this would be different for each test) or add them in later.


Recording testing and results for staff

Recording serial contact testing for staff

To plan to test staff, go to School > All Staff > Bulk Update > Covid-19 Planned Staff Tests. Here you can see any staff tests that are planned for today, but you can change the filters to look between different dates or at only staff who have consented.

To plan a test for a staff member, click the Add staff button. 



When you click the button, you will be taken to the overview for a custom group. We have created this custom group for you to enable us to manage the staff who require testing.

Click +Add to add staff in for testing. The start and end dates of the staff enrolled in the custom group determine when the staff will appear on the Covid-19 Planned Staff Tests page, so be sure to enrol them in the custom group with the date range they require testing for.



When you return to the School > All Staff > Bulk Update > Covid-19 Planned Staff Tests page, you can see the staff that require a test today.

To record test results, just select the staff and click the Bulk action button to select Add staff test results.

You can either add in all the details straight from here (apart from the bar code as this would be different for each test), or add them in later.

Click a staff member's test to add details in later on.



From the School > All Staff > Bulk Update > Covid-19 Staff Test Register page you can see all the tests for today, or over a date range, and update any tests individually or in bulk.    


Recording mass asymptomatic testing for staff

Go to School > All Staff > Bulk Update > Covid-19 Staff Test Register. Click the Add staff tests button.



In the slide over, you can select staff to add tests for. You can either add in all the information in the slide over (apart from the bar code as this would be different for each test), or add them in later.




Reporting on testing

To report on testing, you'll need to use the Covid-19 Tests and Registers pages - it isn't possible to report on testing through the Custom Report Writer.

You can filter to see only tests recorded within a certain date range or all students or staff who have not had a test recorded by clicking the Download button and downloading the table to Excel.

When downloading the table, you can also see additional columns for date of birth and contact telephone number.


Logging confirmed cases

Covid-related medical conditions for students

If you have students who are confirmed cases, you can record this on their student profile.

You'll need to have the Student Profile: Admin: Administer All Students permission to do this - if you can't, you can ask one of your school staff to give you the permission using these instructions

To add the medical condition, go to their profile and scroll down to the Medical section. Click +Add.



In the pop-up, select Medical Condition, then fill out the slide over that appears. To add that they are a confirmed case, search 'covid'. Add in the rest of the details, then scroll down and click the green button to Create medical condition.



To see a list of students with this medical condition and how many students in total are affected, we've created a Custom Report Writer template you can import into your site.

  1. Click here to download your report template. This will save the file to your computer.  Do not open the file!
  2. Head to School > Custom Report Writer then click the Create New Report button.  
  3. Select the button at the bottom of the page to Import a Report. 
  4. Click Browse to select the template file from your computer, then click Upload. 
Covid-related medical conditions for staff

If you have staff who are confirmed cases, you can record this on their staff profile.

You'll need to have the All Staff: Basic HR Administration permission to do this - if you can't, you can ask one of your school staff to give you the permission using these instructions

To add the medical condition, go to their profile and scroll down to the Medical & Dietary Requirements section. Click +Add.



In the pop-up, select Medical Condition, then fill out the slide over that appears. To add that they are a confirmed case, search 'covid'. Add in the rest of the details, then scroll down and click the green button to Create medical condition.



To see a list of staff with this medical condition and how many in total are affected, we've created a Custom Report Writer template you can import into your site.

  1. Click here to download your report template. This will save the file to your computer.  Do not open the file!
  2. Head to School > Custom Report Writer then click the Create New Report button.  
  3. Select the button at the bottom of the page to Import a Report. 
  4. Click Browse to select the template file from your computer, then click Upload. 
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