We migrate guardians and their relationship with students from SIMS, Bromcom, Integris, Progresso, CMIS and ScholarPack.
Additional details
In SIMS, users with either of these things will be migrated as a Primary Guardian:
- priority 1
- Parental Responsibility and there is no Court Order logged in SIMS.
If a contact has a priority greater than 6, this will be migrated into Arbor with the priority of 6.
From ScholarPack, guardians will be migrated as Primary and Legal based on whether the Responsibility field is ticked.
After migration, you may see many duplicate guardians. This is because guardian details are stored against students in ScholarPack rather than their own guardian profile, so siblings would each have a guardian profile.
You'll need to resolve these duplicates: Managing guardian duplicates
Guardians with the Parental Responsibility flag in Progresso will migrate to Arbor as both Legal and Primary Guardians. If this box wasn't ticked, you'll need to set the right contacts as Primary Guardians: Edit whether guardians are Primary Guardians in bulk
Are legacy guardians migrated?
All guardian profiles are migrated, including historic ones whether they are not linked to any students currently attending the school.
If you needed to delete any, you can see how to do so here: Deleting a guardian
Please note though that only Primary Guardians have access to log into Arbor.
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