Student data migration FAQ

This article covers the common questions regarding the migration of student data into Arbor. If you cannot find an answer to your query in this article, check our dedicated section of the Help Centre here.

Please note the following can vary for a GroupCall API migrator, we are working on adding the GroupCall Migrator specifications to this guide. If you need to raise any data discrepancies post migration please contact Arbor support or your dedicated partner and we will be advised of the next steps.

How do we migrate school history and educational institutions?

School history can be found on Student Profiles, and is a list of past and future Educational Institutions the student has attended. You can also update this in bulk.

You can see more about Educational Institutions and how to add the here: Manage my school's Linked Organisations

  • We migrate students current educational institutions and school history (found on the student profile) from SIMS and ScholarPack.
  • We also migrate other educational institutions (found in School > Linked Organisations > Educational Institutions) from SIMS, Bromcom, Integris, Progresso, ScholarPack.

We have further information here about Medical Institutions here, and Alternative Provisions here.

Top Tip: For SIMS, school or educational institution names are taken from the SIMS School table.

Do we migrate Gifted and Talented statuses?

We migrate Gifted and Talented records from students from SIMS only.

If you need to see or update these records, you can see how to do this here: Gifted and Talented.

Do we migrate Young Carers information?

We migrate Young Carer information from Sims and ScholarPack only.

This includes whether the student is a Young Carer, the start and end dates, and the source of the information (as long as this information was recorded in the previous MIS.

  • the dates must be between 1980 and 2050 to be migrated
  • the code values must be P (Identified as a young carer by parent or guardian) or S ((Identified as a young carer by school), or this field will be blank and will need to be input by you.

You can see how to add this information (required in the census) here: Logging and reporting on student Young Carers.

Do we migrate Alternative Provision placements?

  • We do not migrate details for students who have an enrolment into an Alternative Provision placement.
  • We also do not migrate Alternative Provision institutions.

This is become other MISs store this data in a different area than in Arbor (in the Education History section on profiles).

You'll need to follow the instructions here to record the placements: Recording Alternative Provision placement details.

Do we migrate Court Orders?

We do not migrate court orders from any MIS providers.

You'll need to add court orders following these instructions: Court Orders and stopping guardians from logging in

Please note that if you also wish to prevent any communications from being sent to the person with a court order, you will need to unsubscribe them from communications.

Do we migrate YSSA?

We migrate details of Youth support services agreement from SIMS and Bromcom only.

You can see more information on YSSA and how to update it here: Update YSSA.

Do we migrate Student Nationalities?

  • We migrate student Nationality from SIMS, Bromcom, Integris, Progresso, CMIS and ScholarPack.
  • We also migrate student Nationality Status from SIMS.

You can see and update student nationalities from their student profile. 

However, this information is not output in the census as the DfE does not collect this information. If you'd like us to remove this information from your site, contact the Arbor Support Team and provide code 1046 if supported by Arbor, or your Support Partner if not supported by Arbor.

Do we migrate Boarder Statuses?

We do not migrate Boarding Status from any MIS provider. You would instead need to add this into Arbor manually by following these instructions.

How do we migrate parental consents?

We migrate consents as long as they have been stored in the specific consents area for your previous MIS (such as in Parental Consents in SIMS, or Permissions in ScholarPack). We won't migrate consents into the consents area in Arbor if they've been stored somewhere else, such as in notes.

  • For consents that map to one of our Arbor consent types, we migrate consents for SIMS, Bromcom, ScholarPack, Integris, Progresso and CMIS.
  • For user-defined consents that don't map to one of our Arbor consent types, we only migrate these from SIMS, Bromcom and ScholarPack.
  • We don't migrate the 'Walk Home Alone' flag in SIMs.

Please note that we do not migrate any notes or documents attached to consents.

If you need to add, check or update consents, you can see how to do this here: Managing Parental and Trip Consents.

How do we migrate Pupil Premium?

  • We migrate Early Year Pupil Premium Eligibility, Early Year Pupil Premium Recipient and Pupil Premium Eligibility from SIMS.
  • We migrate Early Year Pupil Premium Recipient and Pupil Premium Eligibility from Bromcom, Integris and ScholarPack.
  • We only migrate Pupil Premium Eligibility from Progresso.

Pupil Premium Eligibility for students is set to 'Yes' in Arbor if the student has one of the DfE criteria recorded on their student profile.

If you need set any of your students as Pupil Premium Eligible, or want to see what these criteria are, please follow these instructions: Set a student as Pupil Premium

To avoid students no longer appearing on your Pupil Premium Recipient lists, you can upload the latest register from Get Information About Pupils (GIAP). You can see how to do this, plus more information on the difference between Pupil Premium Eligible and Recipient here: Pupil Premium vs Pupil Premium Recipients and uploading Pupil Premium Recipient Records.

Do we migrate Programmes of Study?

We migrate Programmes of Study, Learning Aims and Planned Learning Hours from SIMS only.

You can see how to set up and manage these in Arbor here: Programmes of Study and Core Learning Aims for Post-16.

Do we migrate Service Child information?

We migrate details of whether students are Service Children from SIMS, Bromcom, Integris, Progresso and ScholarPack.

As SIMS does not have a start date for eligibility, the start and end date will be migrated as Ongoing.

You can see all your service children here, or you can update this for children from the Background section of the student profile using these instructions

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