How we migrate Student Funding, School Led and National Tutoring Programme

This article explains the migration process for various types of student funding records from different Management Information Systems (MIS). It details the sources for Top Up Funding, Discretionary Bursary, and Disability Access Funding, as well as the handling of School Led Tutoring and National Tutoring Programme records. It also provides guidance on adding or editing funding information in Arbor.

We migrate different types of funding records from different previous MIS systems:

  • We migrate Top Up Funding from SIMS, Bromcom, Integris, Progresso and ScholarPack.
  • We also migrate other funding (e.g. Discretionary Bursary) from SIMS, and Disability Access Funding (DAF) only from Integris
  • We also migrate Disability Access Funding (DAF) only from Integris

If you need to add or edit funding for students, you can see how to do this here: Adding top up funding to a student

School Led Tutoring and National Tutoring Programme

We only migrate this information from SIMS.

  • Both School Led Tutoring and National Tutoring Programme records will be migrated as School Led Tutoring. Because both are output as National Tutoring Programme in the census, there is no requirement to change School Led Tutoring into National Tutoring Programme.
  • The funding records will show with Ongoing start and end dates.

If you did want to change these details, you would need to edit the record in Arbor by following these instructions.

Please note that the hours are not migrated, and will need to be added.

For other MISs, we do not migrate funding information, so you'll need to follow these instructions to add this information.

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